Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA– The year 2021 became a historic year for the Faculty of Economics Unesa, Because the faculty that has been established since March 16, 2006 was officially renamed the Faculty of Economics and Business Unesa through the Rector's Decree No. 495 / UN38 / HK / KP / 2021 dated April 5, 2021 officially changed its name to the Faculty of Economics and Business Unesa.
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Unesa, Dr. Anang Kistyanto, S.Sos., M.Si said that the change of fe name to FEB is a demand for external environmental change both in the industrial world and in academic forums at home and abroad.
In addition, according to him, scientifically Accounting and Management Program should be in the realm of business science. For that reason it is named the Faculty of Economics and Business. "The name adjustment is quite urgent so as not to be further left behind from FEB in other PT, especially PTN Eks-LPTK," he said.
He added that the journey of the name change began from the shock of the Faculty of Economics Ex-LPTK which until now many have not become FEB. Anang exemplified that already UPI (University of Education Indonesia) has transformed into FPEB
"PTN outside LPTK almost all use the name FEB, from there we all discuss and conduct work meetings in the faculty in July 2019," said Anang.
Name formulation activities carried out in Jambuluwuk Batu, East Java gave birth to a charter called jambuluwuk charter in 2019 related to the change of fe name to FEB. "We have a new dream, in the form of a new FE vision to become the Faculty of Economics and Business reputable in Southeast Asia in the Field of Economic, Economic, and Business Education in 2023" Explained Anang.
The name change is expected to strengthen FEB Unesa's position in implementing its vision to have a reputation at the Southeast Asian level in 2023, "The reputable indicator is internationally accredited, the 2020-2024 plan has a national accreditation milestone so that we deserve to be said to be reputable in Southeast Asia. The combination of IKU ministry universities, International Accreditation IKU, BAN PT, QS Rank we combine into a 4in1 Plan for reference to create a work program," he explained.
Anang hopes the Faculty of Economics and Business Unesa can be a center of education, teaching, research and community service of good quality and quality at the national level but at the Southeast Asian level.
The faculty that has entrepreneur leadership jargon wants to provide the best for Unesa, society, nation and country. With the name change, it is expected that there is a new spirit, to be more resilient to the changing times, able to solve complex problems innovatively. Selan is able to adapt, synergize, and collaborate.
"Supporting that vision, this year there are 18 lecturers assigned to continue their S-3 studies. In addition, we also propose the opening of a new study program S-1 Digital Business, hopefully in the near future the sk is down and approved," hope Anang. "In the field of Student Affairs, we also encourage internationalization efforts through cooperation with outside campuses, one of them with UiTM, so that later both students and lecturers can really compete with foreign human resources," he concluded (QQ /zam)
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