Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The leadership of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) warmly welcomed the visit of the leadership of the University of 17 August 1945 (Untag) Samarinda at the Rectorate Lidah Wetan Campus II, on Monday, February 5 2024. This meeting also signed the MoU and MoA on cooperation.
UNESA Deputy Chancellor for Law, Management, Finance, Resources and Business, Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd., said that there are still many things that need to be strengthened in synergy between universities.
For him, universities must not go it alone, but must continue to strengthen collaboration to accelerate the transformation process in response to the dynamics of change that continue to be challenging.
He continued, Untag Samarinda has the opportunity and opportunity because President Jokowi appointed him to create a basic road map for education and health services in IKN.
"The hope is that from this meeting we can develop our respective institutions to be even better," said the lecturer whose home base is Faculty of Education ( FIP) it.

Untag Samarinda Chancellor, Dr. Marjoni Rachman, M.Si., said that his team's visit to UNESA was to share experiences related to institutional governance and the implementation of the tridharma of higher education.
He hopes that the results of this visit will not only be limited to signing signatures, but also opening wider opportunities for collaboration between directorates and faculties at UNESA and Untag.
"It is important for us to do this as a step to face future challenges where collaboration needs to be carried out," he said.
In line with this statement, the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Untag Samarinda, Dr. Evi Kurniasari Purwaningrum, S.Psi., M.Psi., continued that there were four main points brought up this time.
First, cooperation in the education sector which emphasizes the implementation of MBKM, visiting lectures and student exchanges. Second, the development of research and innovation achieved from the MoA of each faculty.
Third, expand community service by collaborating with several micro and small companies. Then the final point is cooperation on Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) as a solution to address the equal distribution of ASN human resources in East Kalimantan, especially for village officials in remote areas.
Furthermore, the deans in each faculty at Untag Samarinda also held intensive discussions in different rooms, to discuss more deeply and further the issue of the MoA that they wanted to establish with each faculty at UNESA.
This meeting from Untag Samarinda was attended by the Deputy Chancellor for Finance and Business, Dr. Ir. Puji Astuti, M.P., who was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, and the Dean of the Faculty of Education.
Meanwhile, UNESA was present to welcome the deputy rector for academic, student affairs and alumni, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., Director of Information Technology, Communication and Cooperation Prof. Slamet Setiawan, M.A, Ph.D., and all his staff.[]
Reporter: Saputra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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