Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—The leadership of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) and the University of Jember (Unej) held a meeting to discuss strengthening cooperation at the Tegalboto Unej Campus, on Thursday, 24 October 2024.
UNESA Chancellor, Nurhasan or who is familiarly called Cak Hasan said that his visit with his staff to Unej was intended to strengthen friendship and strengthen collaboration in various fields.
Apart from that, it is also related to strengthening the plans for the 'Home of Champions' campus which wants to open new study programs or faculties in the fields of agriculture and dentistry.
Including finalizing preparations for UNESA to open a campus in the Indonesian capital (IKN), and strengthening the development of a number of existing study programs and faculties.
"The excellent collaboration between UNESA and Unej continues to be strengthened in developing and strengthening the tridharma of higher education, including improving the research atmosphere and innovation," said Cak Hasan.

UNESA and UNEJ leadership discussed strengthening cooperation in the future.
The Chancellor of Unej, Iwan Taruna said , that collaboration between universities is important to continue to be strengthened in facing the various dynamics of higher education which are increasingly challenging today.
Universities, he continued, have an important role in encouraging regional and state development through education. Various accelerations can be achieved through collaboration.
"Moreover, universities in East Java, which are already very solid, need to be directed towards strengthening the tridharma which has an impact on the development and welfare of society," he said.
He hopes that the cooperation between UNESA and Unej can be an important part in encouraging the acceleration of regional development through strengthening a number of fields such as medicine, agriculture, education, economics and many more.
In On this agenda, the Chancellor of UNESA brought a group consisting of vice-chancellors, deans and deputy deans, and a number of related directorates who were welcomed by the Chancellor of Unej along with all related staff and work units.[*]
Editor: @zam*Photo: Unej PR Team
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