Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK) Surabaya State University (UNESA) collaborates with the United Central Committee Indonesian Basketball (PP Perbasi) for the development of sports science-based basketball human resources.
The MoU on cooperation was signed by UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes (Cak Hasan)., and General Chairperson of PP Perbasi, Danny Kosasih at the PP PERBASI Office, 10th Floor GBK Arena Senayan, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday, February 12 2024. Dean of FIKK, Dr. Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, S.Pd, M.Kes, and PP Perbasi Legal Director George Fernando Dendeng were also present.
Cak Hasan said that this collaboration was important to strengthen human resources and improve Indonesia's sporting achievements in world scene. "Basketball in Indonesia, he continued, has the potential to continue to be developed and will later be able to grace the international podium.
"This collaboration is extraordinary. Hopefully this can support the development of Indonesian basketball players in the future. Starting from seeding then progressing to becoming a team elite with all the competencies we have, including sports science and psychology," he said.
Cak Hasan hopes that this collaboration can have a positive impact on Indonesian basketball, including increasing PP Perbasi's achievements and establishing a basketball academy in eastern Indonesia.
In closing, Cak Hasan asked for blessings from the community so that this MoU can make a positive contribution to the progress of Indonesian basketball at the national and international level. "Hopefully this collaboration will be able to bring Indonesian basketball towards better achievements in the future," he concluded.
Meanwhile, Danny Kosasih, General Chair of PP Perbasi, explained that this collaboration is part of the effort federation to improve the quality of human resources in the field of basketball. The main aim is to create quality referees and coaches.
“The collaboration with UNESA was carried out because we believe that sport must be combined with science and science. "We hope that this collaboration will produce many extraordinary coaches, athletes and referees," he explained. []
Reporter: Sindy Riska
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: UNESA Team Documentation
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