Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - Around 800 Blitar District Elementary School students thronged the Blitar Infantry Battalion 511 field to participate in a program of strengthening character education activities in 2019 organized in cooperation with the Blitar District Education Office Blitar Infantry Battalion 511 and Surabaya State University (Unesa). The event took place from July 22 to July 27 2019.
Dr. Agus Hariyanto M. Kes Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni Unesa in the opening ceremony said that the event titled "ENJOYFULL KIDS CAMP & rdquo; it is the commitment of tertiary institutions to instill educate and strengthen the character of children from an early age. So that the slogan Unesa Growing With Character is not only realized through educational programs on campus but also reaches the environment outside the campus. & ldquo; Since childhood children must be given character education in order to understand how to speak words and behave & rdquo; he said.
According to him the strengthening of character education needed to involve many parties. Both the campus government agencies such as the Office of Education and surrounding communities. Therefore the commitment to realize a moral generation is the responsibility of all and must be pursued by all. & ldquo; Starting from family community school campus and programs of this kind need to be routinized & rdquo; asserted Agus Haryanto.
Drs. Budi Kusumarjoko M.Pd Head of the Blitar Regency Education Office said in his remarks that character education is absolutely essential for a virtuous nation a friendly and tolerant nation. A nation that is always friendly and works together full of tolerance and tepo seliro in kinship relations must be brought to life through a program of character building and strengthening based on Pancasila and religious values.
The event was lively and full of excitement. Because the program in addition to providing material in the classroom is also packed with a variety of games such as solving experimental problems by prioritizing teaching of children but also providing stimulus guidance and encouragement to students so that the learning process occurs. The program was also filled with material on motivation and self-introduction for children delivered by Psychologist Niqya Rasyida Amalia S.Psi. M.Psi who is an alumni of the Department of Psychology Faculty of Education Unesa and leadership material from Battalion 511 Blitar. The event which lasted for one week and was divided into 2 waves was facilitated by dozens of Unesa students who were members of the Blitar Student Forum at Unesa or FORMABISA. (HumasUnesa)
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