Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya –
The Covid-19 cannot be considered one-sided. The health protocol must be applied everyday. Why? A number of people who affected have died in each area. The news of grief came in succession. The closest people and many friends have gone.
Unesa also give a deep condolences; some educators and education personnel died. Therefore, Unesa again held a prayer in virtual which was attended by the Rector, Vice Rector and the leaderboard of Unesa on Thursday (21/1). In addition, the dean and the entire Unesa will also involve the Islamic Spiritual Activity Unit (UKKI).
The prayer event was for the late Dr. Ari Wahyudi, M.Si Vice Dean of the Faculty of Social Science and Law (FISH) as well as lecturer of Sociology Study Program, and Dr. Murtedjo, M.Si a retired lecturer in the department of Geography Education. Then the prayer together online was also carried out by the Faculty of Economics (FE) Unesa and for Indonesia on Friday (22/1).
Prof. Dr. Nuhasan, M.Kes, Rector of Unesa said that Unesa felt lost over the death of Dr. Ari Wahyudi, M.Si and Dr. Murtedjo, M.Si and other Unesa academicians. "We are completely enveloped in grief, so let's strengthen each other and embrace each other in prayer," he said.
Rector also said that for a large family that returns to the place of God almighty it is acceptable to accept all his good deeds and be forgiven all his sins and mistakes. "The families who has left behind, may be given fortitude, and patience," he hoped.
"May the kindness, devotion, and care of the deceased during life be an inspiration for all of us to continue to be better and beneficial for others," continued Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes. At the end of his delivery, Rector hopes that all remain disciplined to undergo strict health protocols and exercise to be physically and psychologically healthy and pandemics will soon end in this country. (yam)
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