Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Department of Drama, Dance and Music (Sendratasik), Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Surabaya held a scientific pulpit to welcome doctors majoring in Sendratasik on Saturday (22/5/2021). The event is a form of appreciation for the three lecturers who officially hold doctoral degrees.
The three lecturers are Dr. Peni Puspito, M.Hum., Dr. Eko Wahyuni Rahayu, M.Hum., And Dr. Indar Sabri, S.Sn., M.Pd. On that occasion, they also shared their knowledge and experiences regarding their dissertation research during their doctoral studies.
Dr. Peni Puspito, M.Hum explained that the topic of his dissertation was about Choreography Learning with an Environment-Based Learning Approach. He continued that it turns out that based on his research, the combination of environment-based learning with choreography learning can shape the character of students such as being critical, wise and wise in looking at environmental problems.
The graduate of the Unesa Doctoral program also said that learning strategies can also take advantage of the environment as a means, source and target of learning including the social environment, personal environment, natural environment and cultural environment.
Dr. Eko Wahyuni Rahayu, M. Hum also delivered the results of his dissertation entitled Infatuated Scenes in the Topèng Dhâlâng Slopeng Dramatic Performance as a Cultural Performance of the Sumenep Madura Community. He explained that the existence of the gandrung scene in the Slopeng Dhalang Mask, apart from being entertainment, is also a space for social transaction activities that are symbiotic mutualism between celebration interests, artistic performances, economic interests and social actualization. In other words, the show of the gandrung scene becomes a media of social legitimacy.
The doctor who graduated from Gajah Mada University added that the activity of ngèrèm (in Java is called nyawer) in the gandrung scene in a drama played by a man has an appeal to the audience as a prestige show, because it can increase dignity with respect to one's achievements or abilities.
As for Dr. Indar Sabri, S. Sn., M. Pd conveyed about Indonesian Pantomime Art. This graduate of the Semarang State University Doctoral program researched a legendary Indonesian pantomimer from Yogyakarta, namely Jemek Supardi. In his dissertation, he revealed that Jemek Supardi is a person who has strong principles in his life. He is also an artist who has a unique character due to the influence of the cultural values of his life and life background.
The activity was attended by the dean of the Language and Arts Faculty, Dr. Trisakti, M. Si. and the Head of the Sendratasik Department, Dr. Anik Juwariyah, M.Si. They hope that this activity can be useful and inspire other lecturers so that they are motivated to continue their studies to the doctoral level. (meds / zam)
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