Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) announced the names of the participants who passed the New Student Admission Selection Results (SPMB) for the Computer-Based Unesa Entrance Test (TMUBK), Monday (26/07/2021), at 21.00 WIB.
Based on data from the UNESA Admissions Unit, a total of around 1,409 participants passed the undergraduate TMUBK. The details are that there are 153 participants who passed the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), 247 participants at the Faculty of Engineering (FT), 82 participants at the Faculty of Sports Science (FIO), 268 participants at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB).
Then there were 205 participants at the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), 230 participants at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH), and as many as 224 participants at the Faculty of Educational Sciences (FIP). In addition, there were also 15 participants who passed the TMUBK Disability track. They are deaf, blind, physically disabled, low vision, and cerebral palsy (CP).
Head of the UNESA Admissions Unit, Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd said, for participants who have passed, it is expected to immediately prepare the files for re-registration which can be done as follows:
1. 27-31 July 2021 participants fill out and upload documents online at the https://sipenmaru.unesa.ac.id/simreg page through the test taker's username, password year, month and date of birth in the format yyyymmdd. Required documents:
- SPMB TMUBK Participant Card for Undergraduate and TMUBK with Disabilities 2021.
- Recent color photograph with red background and white shirt without any attributes, size 4X6 cm with a resolution of 400X600 pixels, JPG or PNG format.
- Birth certificate
- Family card
- The latest proof of parental employment and income that is legalized by the institution where you work or a certificate from the village head or lurah. Both are uploaded if you work or only one if only one person works.
- Proof of residential electricity. It can be in the form of proof of bills or electricity payments for the last three months.
- Proof of bills or PBB payments for the last three years for the house occupied.
- List of dependents of parents who are still in school or college by showing a certificate of still school or college from the relevant institution.
- Proof of invoice or payment of motor vehicle tax (PKB), both cars and motorcycles owned.
- Proof of graduation in the form of a certificate of graduation or diploma.
- Certificate of not being color blind from a doctor for prospective students: FBS Visual Communication Design Study Program, Fine Arts Education, Fine Arts. FMIPA study program of Physics, Physics Education, Chemistry, Chemistry Education, and Science Education. FISH Geography Education study program. Then all prospective students of the Faculty of Engineering (FT) and the Faculty of Sports Science (FIO).
- Fill out the statement letter in accordance with the CAMABA SPMB 2021 format which can be downloaded at https://sipenmaru.unesa.ac.id/simreg.
2. 29-31 July 2021 data verification.
3. August 1, 2021 Determination of UKT.
4. 2-8 August 2021 payment of UKT and SPI at Bank BTN for all branch offices and sub-branch offices. The payment system can be done through a teller or BTN ATM. (Unesa Public Relations)
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