Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA�Internationalization of programs continues to be carried out by Surabaya State University (UNESA), one of which is by collaborating with the Islamic University of Madinah or Madinah Islamic University. The collaboration between the two was discussed during a visit by the leadership of the 'House of Champions' campus to the campus in early March 2024.
The Islamic University of Madinah is a leading state university in Saudi Arabia with 22 thousand students, not only those from from around the Arabian peninsula, but also from various other countries, including Indonesia. There are around 200 students from Indonesia who study there.
As a campus that is much sought after by students from other countries such as Indonesia, the Islamic University of Madinah has advantages in the religious field with comprehensive studies. Apart from that, the campus is also supported by religious experts and ulama.
"In order to support the internationalization program, UNESA needs to collaborate or synergize with one of the best campuses in Arabia to work together in the field of the Tridharma of Higher Education," said UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., at UNESA on Thursday, March 14 2024.
There are various programs discussed and planned between the leadership of UNESA and the Islamic University of Madinah, one of which is strengthening academic and lecturer aspects in the form of exchanges lecturer or guest lecturer.
�UNESA has an Islamic Economics study program which is supported by lecturers on Islamic economics and Islamic religion. "With this collaboration, UNESA lecturers can continue their studies at Madina Islamic University or become special guest lecturers there," said the chancellor who is familiarly called Cak Hasan.
Rector added that lecturers at the Islamic University of Madinah could also become guest lecturers in the Islamic Economics study program at UNESA. With this, it is hoped that there will be academic strengthening that will encourage improvements in global standard academic quality and atmosphere.
�So far we have collaborated a lot with universities from Europe, Japan and China. "So now is the time for UNESA to expand cooperative relations with universities in the Middle East," he said.[]
Reporter: Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Team Documentation
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