Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-After the second Indonesian Pickleball National Championship was held on (6/12/21) at UNESA, the Executive Board of the All-Indonesian Athlete Association (PBPASI) again appointed UNESA as the host. This activity is a series of events for the 57th UNESA Anniversary which was opened by the Chancellor of UNESA, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes. on the tennis court of the Faculty of Sports Science UNESA on Friday (26/11/2021).
In his opening, the Chancellor explained that pickleball is a sport from the United States that has just entered Indonesia. This sport is a cool sport, light and fun, because of the combination of court tennis with table tennis and many medals are up for grabs.
The hope is that this sport can be recognized by the central Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) because of the requirements, Pickleball has met, such as having members from several provincial governments, NPWP, notaries, and other administrations, as well as organizing national championships. The current national championship is the 3rd, and can only be recognized at the 4th national championship.
"We have to streamline this sport in various championships by coordinating between KONI and KOI so that when there is an international event, we can follow it. Therefore, pickleball must become a member of the Central KONI as soon as possible," he hoped.
The activity carries the theme "Generating Post-pandemic Sports Spirit through Pickleball". In addition, this activity is also an event for the anniversary of the Indonesian Pickleball Federation (IPF) which was attended by the chairman of the Indonesian Pickleball Federation (IPF), Prof. Dr. Susilo, D.Ed or known as Cak Sus as the Secretary General of the central IPF. He revealed that this activity was PBPASI's pro-active step to register Pickleball as a member of the central KONI.
He also appreciated the enthusiasm of the participants in this National Championship which had increased significantly. "Previously the National Championship was in the single category without a limit of only 38 participants, now in the single category the maximum limit of 64 participants is full. The goal is limited so that the participants do not overcrowd and the event can still run conducive," he said.
The furthest participants present at that time were Sumatra and Kalimantan. Pengprov representatives who attended from Sumatra were Lampung, Bengkulu, South Sumatra, Jambi, and Aceh, while those from Kalimantan were East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, and North Kalimantan. There are five categories for the Pickleball competition, namely: men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, women's doubles, and mixed doubles. All without age limit.
Cak Sus said; "The thing that attracted the participants to take part in the Pickleball championship was the slogan of Picklebal itself, easy and fun. Easy means that this game is easy to play but it is not easy to become a champion, it is proven that the champion of the first National Championship from Padang, the second National Championship from Jakarta and this year's National Championship did not predictable. While fun means this game is fun, when you try it once you will definitely get addicted to it until you are willing to come here from far to take part in this national championship."
He hopes that pickleball will soon be accepted as a member of the central KONI so that it can grow and develop optimally so that a superior and competent generation of this sport can be born so that Indonesia can make Indonesia proud in the international arena. [UNESA PR]
author : Lukman Hadi Wibowo
editor : @zam
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