Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA –The State University of Surabaya had the opportunity to host a national work meeting for the Picklebal sport as well as the National Pickleball championship. In the event which was held on Thursday (11/25/2021) at the UNESA student activity center. There were a number of important figures in the Indonesian Pickleball sport, including Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes as Chancellor of UNESA, there is the chairman of the Indonesian Pickleball Federation, Susilo, M.Pd., D.Ed as the secretary general of the Secretary General of the Central IPF, along with his staff and Hijrin Fithroni, S.Or., M.Pd. as Chair of the 2021 National Work Meeting Committee.
In addition, it was also attended by 21 provincial administrators throughout Indonesia including from NTB, West Kalimantan, Bali, West Sumatra, DKI Jakarta, West Java, North Sumatra, Jambi, East Kalimantan and several other provinces.
The National Working Meeting was the first to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Indonesian Pickleball Federation which falls on November 23, 2021. In his remarks, the Chair of the IPF Pengprov Jatim, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes. expressed his hope that the results of this national meeting would be able to provide great support for the development of the world of Pickleball both at the regional and national level.
"With the development of this sport, because Indonesia is still new, hopefully it can develop and add to the coffers of Indonesia's achievements at the international level," he said. He believes that with persistence and hard work together, Pickleball can develop rapidly in Indonesia.
Susilo as the Secretary General of the Central IPF expressed his gratitude to the East Java Provincial Government for being able to carry out the pickleball championship at UNESA. The development of Pickleball in Indonesia is extraordinary. It can be seen from the 26 Pengprov that have submitted to the PB. In addition, there has been an increase in the number of championships held previously.
With the high enthusiasm of these sports lovers, and the limited facilities and infrastructure, he said that he was forced to limit the registration of participants to only single 64. "God willing, in the following years, we will prepare even better national championships," he said. The Secretary General of the Central IPF also explained that both the National Work Meeting and the Pickleball Championship were a joint effort and joint hard work in the struggle to become a legitimate member of KONI.
Susilo also conveyed a message from the head of IPF to the participants who attended the National Working Meeting. “We can develop, we can progress, together. We cannot individually, one by one, but we are together and can make our dreams come true,” he concluded. IPF itself now has 26 provincial administrators, 22 provincial governors have decrees, and 34 district administrators.
This first National Working Meeting discussed many things, one of which was related to the articles of association and by-laws for the refinement and ratification of AD/ART. The discussion was directly led by Susilo, M.Pd., D.Ed as the Secretary General of the Central IPF. One of the discussions was that the Indosian Pickleball Federation (IPF) be recognized by the KOI (Indonesian Sports Committee). Then, the National Working Meeting also discussed the legitimacy of pickleball referee certification, logos, flags, hymns, and the implementation of the national championship for 2022.
Unesa will also host the 2021 national Pickleball championship which will be held for 3 days, starting from November 26-28 2021. In this national championship, 64 participants from several provinces in Indonesia will participate. (UNESA PR)
Author : hasna
Editor: @zam
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