Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Today, demands for academic qualifications in a number of sectors are increasingly high. On average, a bachelor's degree is the standard qualification. However, it is never too late to learn and upgrade your competencies.
For this reason, those with a third diploma or D-3 diploma do not need to be discouraged. Because, the opportunity to become a graduate is still open, one of which is through the transfer route from D-3 to S-1 (academic bachelor's degree) or D-4 (applied bachelor's degree) which is prepared Surabaya State University (Unesa).
The Even Semester Level Transfer Program for the 2024/2025 Academic Year has opened registration from January 2-10 2025. Those who are interested in taking part in a program with a curriculum designed to suit the needs of the business and industrial world are expected to register immediately.
The requirements are, having a D-3 diploma, submitting complete transcripts of all courses taken taken, and choose a study program that is relevant to the previous study program (D-3 diploma).
There are 23 study programs (prodi) to choose from. In detail, there are 13 academic undergraduate study programs (S-1) in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol), and the Faculty of Engineering (FT), as well as 10 applied undergraduate study programs (D-4) in the Vocational Faculty (FV). The list of study programs can be checked on the page Unesa Admission.
“There is no maximum age limit for register. "So, anyone who wants to improve their educational level, whether they have just graduated or are already working, can take part in this program," said Sukarmin, Head of Sub-Directorate for Student Admissions and Graduation or Unesa Admissions.
The registration process is carried out online via Unesa's official website at (admisi.unesa.ac.id/page/tata-cara-penbesaran). The registration fee of IDR 350,000.00 can be paid via BTN Virtual Account or BTN partners.
For participants who have registered, they will undergo an interview test on 14-15 January 2025 at the Unesa Rectorate Building, Campus II Lidah Wetan . Interview room information will be announced on January 13 2025, while the selection results will be announced on January 17 2025 on the page (pmb.unesa.ac.id/pengumuman/ ).
Participants who are declared to have passed can re-register online from 17-20 January 2025, followed by payment of UKT and SPI on January 18-22 2025. Information regarding the UKT and SPI amounts will be announced at the same time as the graduation announcement.
Sukarmin said that interview selection was carried out to assess participants' motivation and basic abilities to complete studies in the target study program. Apart from that, there is an agreement to convert course grades from the D-3 level to the latest curriculum applied.
"The curriculum provided is the latest curriculum, so that graduates of this program will have competencies equivalent to regular undergraduate students or D-4. "The shortage of credits will be taken according to the needs of the study program," explained Sukarmin.
Graduates of this program have the same career prospects as regular S1/D4 graduates, without any difference in status.
Apart from that, students also have the same opportunity to participate in research activities and community service. Further information regarding the program, requirements, how to register and the timeline can be seen on the page Unesa Admisi.[* ]
Reporter: Prismacintya (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Team
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