unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA - The ruler is not just holding hunger and thirst, but also keeps the body healthy and fit all day. Unfortunately, there are still many habits that are unwittingly actually making the body quickly limp, less energized, even at risk of triggering digestive health problems. Href = "// Unesa.ac.id/"> SURABAYA STATE UNIVERSITY (UNESA) , said, one of the habits carried out during fasting is the lack of attention to the types of food and drinks consumed at dawn and breaking.
He revealed a number of things that should be avoided or reduced to stay fit all day, as follows:
1. Foods High Sugar and Carbohydrates Simple
Sweet food is tempting when breaking the fast, but the consumption of sugar and carbohydrates in excess can cause a surge of blood sugar which then drops quickly. This can make the body more easily weak. It is recommended that it is recommended to choose complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, or oats so that the energy lasts longer.
2. Oily foods and coconut milk
fried foods and coconut milk are often the main choice when breaking, even though consumption of large amounts of fatty foods can increase cholesterol levels, cause the stomach to feel full, and inhibit digestion.
3. Excessive when breaking the fast
After a day of holding hunger, the urge to eat in large portions is difficult to hold. However, overeating can cause the stomach to feel that, nausea, sleepiness, and reduce concentration.
Start with water and dates, then give a pause before the main meal. Consumption of foods with balanced nutrition so that the body is not surprised and digestion remains smooth.
4. Soft and caffeinated drinks
Soft drinks may feel refreshing, but can actually increase stomach acid and cause bloating. Meanwhile, coffee and tea containing caffeine are diuretic, which can cause the body to lose fluids faster.
5. Lack of drinking water
Lack of fluids during fasting can cause dehydration, reduce the power of concentration, and make the body easily weak. Therefore, it is important to meet the needs of water by applying a pattern of 2-4-2, which is two glasses at dawn, four glasses when breaking the fast, and two glasses before going to bed.
6. Direct sleep after dawn
Many people immediately sleep after dawn, even though this habit can interfere with the digestive process and cause stomach acid to rise. Ideally, the stomach takes about two to three hours to digest food, so it is better to do light activities first before going to bed.
7. Difficult physical activity
Exercise is important, but doing severe physical activity during the day can cause the body to lose energy faster. Choose the right time, such as before breaking or after tarawih prayers, to maintain body fitness without excessive energy.
Satwika Arya Pratama emphasizes, maintaining health during fasting not only about avoiding or reducing certain foods, but also applies a balanced diet. Spiritual, but also a way to improve overall body health, "he concluded. [*]
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP)
Editor: @zam*
Illustration: ai-generator-Pro
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