Lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine (FK) of Surabaya State University (Unesa), dr. Rahmantio Adi, Sp.Pd, explained that after fasting all day, the body in dehydration conditions and the digestive tract was more sensitive.
A sudden change in temperature due to the consumption of cold drinks can cause temporary narrowing of blood vessels, slowing digestion, and causing discomfort such as stomach cramps or stomach disorders.
"Simply put the body must be given warm liquid or room temperature to break the fast so that the digestive process runs more optimally," he said.
He added, immediately drinking cold drinks or ice when breaking can have a negative effect on certain groups such as people with ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease disease
People with blood circulation disorders also need to be careful, because drastic changes in temperature can interfere with blood flow.
"children and the elderly need to be more careful too, because it is more sensitive to changes in temperature so that it should not immediately consume cold drinks after breaking," he said.
He stressed, this does not mean that cold drinks are fully prohibited for breaking, but there is a way to not have an impact on health and digestion.
Then, how to safely consume cold drinks when breaking the fast? There are some tips that can be applied to stay comfortable to break the fast with cold drinks.
When time to break the fast arrives, don't drink cold drinks immediately. We recommend that you start with snacks such as dates, fruit, or warm soups to prepare for digestion.
After that, continue with mineral water or warm water. Then, give a short break so that the body can adapt to normal temperatures. Next, choose a drink that is not too cold. "For example, it is still very cold, let stand for a while at room temperature safer for the digestive system," he explained.
When drinking, do not directly in large quantities, but slowly. Consumption of cold drinks in large quantities at the same time can surprise the body. Furthermore, combining with food that is easily digested.
Finally, avoid sweet and cold drinks as well as excessive. Although refreshing, cold sweet drinks such as iced tea or syrup can cause fast surge in blood sugar.
By paying attention to the right way of consumption, cold drinks can still be enjoyed without causing negative effects on the body.
The key is to give time for the body to adapt, choose drinks with temperatures that are not too extreme, and consume them slowly. [*]
The opinion or statement of the resource person in this news is based on a number of literature (references) as follows:
- -Fujiira, K., Hamada, Ya., Yanaoka, T., Yamamoto, R., Suzuki, K., & Miyashita, M. (2020). The Effects of Water Temperature on Gastric Motility and Energy Intake in Healthy Young Men. European Journal of Nutrition, 59, 103-109.
- -Sunardi, D., Chandra, D. N., Medise, B. E., Friska, D., Manikam, N. R. M., Lestari, W., ... & Ulvie, Y. N. S. (2022). Assessment of Water Consumption During Ramadan Intermittent Fasting: Result from Indonesian Cross-Party Study. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 922544.
- -Kusuma, I. Y., & Bahar, M. A. (2023). Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) for Fasting Doping: Examining the Twitter Data in Indonesia. Narra J, 3 (3), E196.
- -Baride, P. M., Joshi, D. A., Sir, V. G., Bavage, S., & Bavage, N. B. (2020). Benefits of Warm Water. The World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 9 (6), 443-460. [*]
Reporter: Muhammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Illustration: dragon77/pixabay.com
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