UNESA.ac.id. SURABAYA - Performance Allowance (Tukin) Lecturer in the State Civil Apparatus or ASN is one of the government's priority policies. The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology (Kemendiktisaintek) of the Republic of Indonesia emphasizes that improving the welfare of lecturers and the quality of higher education is a priority.
"Regarding Tukin ASN lecturer has been completed," said Fauzan, Wamendiktisaintek after the signing of the cooperation between the Chancellor of State and Private Universities in East Java and the Ministry of Social Affairs (Ministry of Social Affairs) at Graha, Surabaya State University (Unesa) , on Monday, February 10, 2025.
Tukin for 2025 was proposed through three (3) schemes which included sufficient options of Rp2.8 trillion, moderate options of Rp3.6 trillion, and complete options of Rp8.0 trillion . The Ministry of Finance through the Chairperson of the DPR Banggar approved a budget of Rp2.5 trillion on January 23, 2025.
This budget is addressed to the Lecturer of ASN PTN Satker, PTN BLU who has not carried out remuneration, and ASN assigned at LLDIKTI, which amounted to 33,957 lecturers. With this approval, meaning that the disbursement of tukin was immediately realized, of course through the bureaucratic process according to the rules or policies. accommodate aspirations and pay attention to the welfare of the lecturer.
According to Cak Hasan, with the approval The budget of Rp2.5 trillion for 2025, is one proof of the concrete steps of the Ministry of Time in improving the welfare of lecturers and improving the quality of higher education.
"For us this is a responsive step and positive steps. With its commitment, we are sure that the Ministry of Education has a wise way and scheme related to this tukin problem that we must support together, "said the Professor of Sports Sciences Unesa.
added Cak Hasan, the commitment of the Ministry became the spirit of PTN-BH, which is also committed to paying attention to the welfare aspects of lecturers through various schemes such as remuneration or allowance, bonuses, benefits or incentives based on the level of responsibility and workload that is measured according to policy.
In addition and to be known together, there are several stages or bureaucratic processes that are passed in the provision of ASN lecturers as follows: (a) Ministers who carry out government affairs in the field of Higher Education Propose a class of lecturer positions ASN to Menpan RB; (b) Menpan RB issued a letter of approval regarding the ASN lecturer class class; Next
, (c) the minister who organizes government affairs in the field of Higher Education requests approval regarding the amount of ASN lecturers to the Minister of Finance; (d) After the approval of the Minister of Finance, the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) is compiled on the ASN lecturer tukin;
and, finally, (e) based on the Presidential Regulation on the ASN lecturer as referred to in letter d, the Minister who organizes the affairs Government in the field of Higher Education issued a Ministerial Regulation on Tukin ASN Lecturer in the Ministry he led. [Public Relations Team]
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