Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA -Together with 12 other LPTKs, the UNESA Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LP3M) has again received a mandate from the Directorate General of Education and Education Personnel (Ditjen GTK) of the Ministry of Education and Culture to carry out academic selection for prospective students of In-service Teacher Professional Education (PPG Daljab) in 2022.
The academic selection was attended by 1,590 participants which were divided into five implementation periods. The first period will be held on April 9-10 2022. The second period will be held on April 12-13 2022. The third period will be held on April 17-18 2022. The fourth period will be on April 20-21 2022 and the fifth period will be on April 23-24 2022.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the selection is done online based on the domicile. Nevertheless, the selection process is still carried out optimally. To ensure all of this, UNESA previously provided implementation guidelines for PPG Daljab 2022 participants and supervisors.
The guide for participants is intended as a technical guide regarding what participants must prepare in participating in the academic selection of prospective PPG students. This guide describes the specifications of the equipment that must be prepared, the rules during the exam, the obligation to take the trial, and other rules that need to be considered by participants when participating in the academic selection. In addition, there is also a domicile-based piloting process for the SEB system the day before the selection activity takes place.
In addition, the guidelines for supervisors are intended as standard operational procedures (POB) that must be carried out by supervisors before, during, and after the academic selection of PPG Daljab student candidates. Supervisors must have competence and skills in IT, must attend supervisory training and briefings carried out by the central committee in this case by UNY, understand their duties, rights, and obligations well.
“Thus, it is hoped that participants will be mentally prepared and have the facilities to take the exam. Supervisors can also carry out their supervisory duties properly and responsibly,” said Head of PPG Center, Fatkur Rahman Kafrawi. The implementation of the academic selection for the first and second periods went smoothly and is expected to be smooth and successful until the end. [UNESA PR]
Author: PPG Team and Novita
Editor: @zam*
Photo : Personal documentation
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