Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA -In order to achieve the Key Performance Indicators (IKU), the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) continues to strengthen cooperation with various domestic and foreign partners, including strengthening the cooperation of study programs (Prodi) with world partners. The strategy for achieving indicators, especially point six, was discussed online by UNESA with the ranks of the Directorate General of Diktiristek, Kemendikbudristek online on 22 February 2022.
The activity was attended by the General Substance Coordinator, Cooperation and Public Relations of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Yayat Hendayana, S.Si., M.Sc., and his staff. Meanwhile, UNESA was attended by the vice chancellors, UNESA deans, directors of postgraduate programs, directors of the Vocational Program, chairman of LPPM, chairman of LP3M, head of MBKM unit and a number of related fields and divisions.
Yayat Hendayana stated that the six KPIs or study programs in collaboration with world-class partners have several assessments, including; support for higher education leadership or policies, quality of SOPs for national and international cooperation, quality of cooperation planning and forms of cooperative activities, quality of first semester 2020-2021 cooperation.
In addition, there is also an assessment of the achievements of cooperation with world-class partners and the quality of the attachments to international and cooperation documents. "In KPI six, you must have a strong umbrella, namely MOA, IA and then MOU, so that the flow for completing documents can be arranged easily," he said.

Meanwhile, Firman Hidayat, S.Si., M.Sc., conveyed that related to the verification and validation of the six KPIs consisting of; 1) filtering; year and product. 2) upload documents; form of activity, type of partner, completeness, upload of documents. 3) verification. 4) appeal process. 5) determination of KPI.
The end of the process from the sixth KPI is when all data is reported on the reportkerma.kemdikbud.go.id page, followed by the calculation of scores using three curves, namely PTN Legal Entities, Liga PTN BLU, and Liga PTN Satker. The three leagues will be depicted with a competitive curve.
Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, stated that in this era, UNESA must move quickly, hand in hand to prepare six KPIs as an effort to welcome PTN-BH and towards a world-class campus.
"We must not be satisfied with being ranked 12th in the PTN BLU league, we must continue to work hard, work smart and of course be sincere to reach the top five and even the top three in the future. Of course, our priority is not only ranking, but also quality," he said. [UNESA PR]
Author: Riska Umami
Editor: @zam*
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