Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The State University of Surabaya made various preparations for the PPG test which was held on 11-12 December 2021 at PPTI and the 4th floor of the library building, Lidah wetan. One of the preparations is to provide briefing to the committee and supervisors through the Technical Briefing for Period 8 on Friday, December 10, 2021 at Mercure Grand Mirama, Surabaya.
On that occasion, Dr. Hartono, M.Pd from UMM and Melianus Sulakory from Pattimura University. In addition, the Central Secretary of PPG, Julianto, S.Pd., M.Pd. and Secretary of LP3, Dr. Himawan Wismanadi, M.Pd.
According to the plan, the implementation of computer-based PPG will be attended by around 1,913 participants. The test will be divided into four sides while still adhering to health protocols. Dr. Himawan Wismanadi, M.Pd., emphasized to the committee and supervisors to carry out their duties as well as possible.
“As much as possible and trying not to cause trouble or disturbance. Therefore, through this briefing, we hope that nothing will pass and everything will mature according to the plan, so that the implementation can run smoothly," he said.
Hartono himself said that as a committee and supervisor, they must be ready to carry out their duties. "As a supervisor, you must monitor carefully," he said. He continued that there were 128 supervisors involved in the PPG test.
He hopes that through this event, various obstacles in the field can be minimized. "Hopefully the exams run smoothly, and can produce quality teachers for the advancement of the nation and state's education," he hoped. {UNESA PR]
Reporter: Hasna
Editor; @zam*
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