Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - The implementation of the UKMPPG Knowledge Test in 2021 is different from the previous year which was carried out offline. For 2021, it will be held online based on the domicile. Unesa was trusted to hold the UKMPPG Knowledge Test directly from the Ministry of Education and Culture through the GTK together with 11 LPTKs from 75 LPTKs that carried out In-Service PPG. The briefing activity for the UKMPPG Knowledge Test was started on Friday (3/9) by the National Committee covering the Preparation of the UKMPPG Knowledge Test, attended by the Chair of the Unesa LP3 and the secretary, the Head of the PPG and Sekpus PPG, the PPG Korbis stage 1 and the IT supervisory team for the domicile-based online Knowledge Test. "Alhamdulillah, the briefing activity went smoothly without any obstacles," said Fatkur, as the Head of the PPG LP3 Unesa Center.
During the UKMPPG Knowledge Test 4 and 5 September 2021, everything went smoothly. There is an online verification process by the UP supervisory team aimed at seeing and monitoring the examinees during the implementation of the UKMPPG UP by using the zoom facility provided by the GTK Kemdikbud. In-Position PPG participants who took the UKMPPG Knowledge Test at Unesa on the first day were 587 participants and on the second day 618 participants, with a total of 1,205 students.
UP participants who are working on tests independently are monitored by UP supervisors through the zoom application. (Unesa Public Relations)
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