Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - Surabaya State University (Unesa) and Yogyakarta State University (UNY) conducted a Focus Group Discussion with the theme of Improving the Quality of New Student Input Unesa and UNY aims to share strategies to improve the quality of new student input. The event which was held in the Rector's Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, (03/10) was attended by UNY's Rector Prof. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa and Vice Chancellor for Academic Unesa Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., around 150 officials from the rector, dean, chair of the institution, and the bureau of the two universities. In this FGD, the two universities discussed information related to the admission system. At first Unesa and UNY explained in advance the new student admission system that had been implemented. After the presentation, Unesa and UNY discussed warmly and productively. During the discussion, the discussion referred more to the SPMB independent path. In his remarks, Sutrisna also said that they were ready to share with Unesa especially in regard to the SPMB independent route. Likewise, the Unesa. In this event, Unesa and UNY had a slight difference in the admission of new students. "Some of the things we do together, but we have distinct characteristics, which may be mutually adopted," said Sutrisna. According to Bambang, according to him it was natural to occur due to the socio-economic conditions of the people who had their respective characteristics. In the discussion also emerged a strong discourse to improve environmental development through the Ijon system to secondary schools, where it can facilitate the screening of superior seeds. In addition, both parties also agreed to strengthen each other's student admission system. At the end of the FGD, the two parties agreed to take lessons from each other for their own good. Separately, the Chancellor of Unesa Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M. Kes hopes that the Unesa and UNYa new student admission system will be handled better in the future. (PR Unesa)