Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) through the Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC) in collaboration with student organizations and UNESA Baitul Makmur Mosque administrators for takjil in front of the Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus yesterday, Tuesday (5/4/2022).
One of the caretakers of the Baitul Makmur Mosque, Rafly Putra, explained that there were around 200 packets of boxed rice that were distributed that afternoon. The target is for all UNESA residents, both students, staff and cleaning and security officers.
The plan is to share the takjil during the fasting month. The goal is to spread the spirit of sharing with others and achieve blessings in the month full of blessings. "This sharing spirit is important in maintaining the cycle of goodness and maintaining a sense of togetherness and unity," he said.
SMCC representative, Fatmawati, continued, there are several locations that have been planned for the distribution of takjil, namely, at the Student Center Building, the Rectorate Building and at the Mosque. "There are also teams or officers who take them to nearby orphanages," he said.
“For takjil, it is a routine agenda for UNESA during the fasting month. Of course this is very positive and helps UNESA residents in breaking their fast. For the takjil distribution, it is reported that there is also a schedule for the distribution of each of the UNESA leaders," said Toni Phibeta, Coordinating Minister for Internal Affairs of BEM. [UNESA PR]
Author: Riska Umami
Editor: @zam*
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