Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The leadership of Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) met with the surabaya government at Unesa Learning Laboratory (Ulala Cafe) on Wednesday (03/03/2021). The meeting, held in compliance with health protocols ranging from a seat distance between guests of at least one meter, must wear a mask, and provided hand sanitizer.
There were many things discussed in the meeting, ranging from the planned establishment of the faculty of Sports Medicine in Unesa, efforts to encourage Surabaya to become an educational city, a water tourism city, advancing MSMEs Surabaya to other subjects that can be done between Unesa and the Local Government.
Rector Unesa Prof. Nurhasan M.Kes., expressed his gratitude to the surabaya government who had been present at the meeting. Rector also said that, Unesa is currently in the process of establishing a faculty of Medicine, specialized in sports. The faculty of medicine specialized in sports does not exist in Indonesia and only exists in some other countries.
Encouraging the acceleration of the program, continued rector, Unesa has coordinated with other campuses, several hospitals in Surabaya and East Java, and has even coordinated with the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI). 'It's been going on and hopefully it's going well. My target, 2022 will have started to accept new students," he said.
In addition, Rector Unesa also presented some of Unesa's flagship programs that are leading in the field of sports, excel in the arts and sciences and are disability friendly. "Unesa is also developing Sport Science, and several other countries are already working with us. If the local government needs anything, Unesa is ready to help for the sake of a more advanced Surabaya," he said.
Eri Cahyadi, S.T., M.T. Mayor of Surabaya welcomed the plan and cooperation that can be done between Unesa and Surabaya Municipality. In fact, he fully supports the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine specialized in sports in Unesa. The man who was newly appointed as Mayor of Surabaya on February 26, 2021 expressed his support for the optimization of the Merdeka Belajar program and Merdeka Campus in Unesa.
To advance the city of Surabaya, he continued, the local government must cooperate with advanced and large campuses such as Unesa that excels in sports and arts and is disability friendly. "Quality human resources on campus must be issued, in order to benefit the community and be involved in advancing the city of Surabaya," he said.
There are several surabaya government programs that according to Eri can be done with Unesa. Some of them such as water village tourism programs that certainly require human resources from the campus one of them Unesa. Then there is also the education village program. "The local government provides tutors in each village. The village will be coordinated with Unesa and other campuses to be guided, built or anything that can be done together," he said.
Eri Cahyadi also expressed his desire to make Surabaya an educational city. Of course it is based, because large and advanced campuses that have many superior human resources in Surabaya. Therefore, Surabaya as a developed city must be echoed and the wider community should know Surabaya as an educational city.
The government also plans to cooperate with Unesa in an effort to reduce "stunting" or fail to grow due to malnutrition in children in Surabaya. "We hope that the Surabaya Municipality and campuses such as Unesa can join hands towards a superior campus and an advanced Surabaya," he hoped.
In addition to the Rector and Mayor of Surabaya, the meeting was also attended by Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, Suprapto, M.T., Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes., and Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd.
In addition, there were also Dr. Martadi, M.Pd., Dr. Mintarto, M.Kes., Dr. Bachtiar S. Bachri, M.Pd., and Prof. Dr. Darni, M.Hum. While from surabaya municipality also attended the Surabaya City Secretary Ir. Hendro Gunawan, MA and Dr. Ikhsan, M.M. The event ended the photo together and on that occasion, the Mayor of Surabaya wore a jacket and hat Unesa. (Pr. Unesa)
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