The UNESA delegation together with two delegations from other public institutions presented programs, strategies and innovations on aspects of public information disclosure before the assessment team and the Central Information Commission (KIP) team of the Republic of Indonesia.
Unesa.ac.id. JAKARTA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) explained the advantages, services and ease of access to inclusive public information in the Public Test Presentation: Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Information Openness, Central Information Commission (KIP) at the Grand Mercure, Jakarta, on Wednesday, November 13 2024.
In front of the assessment team, Bejo Untung, Arya Sandhiyudha, and Hendra J Kede, Deputy Chancellor IV UNESA Martadi said that UNESA not only prepares access to information, but also ensures that the information is friendly for disability groups.
The aspect of information disclosure is an important part in realizing good university governance or GUG by adhering to the principles of good governance. "The inclusive approach in implementing public information disclosure at UNESA is implemented through the provision and access to friendly public information for all," he said.
The man who leads UNESA's planning, development, cooperation and information and communication technology sector continued that openness of public information is one of the priorities stated in the campus's big mission 'Home of Champions'.
UNESA's fifth mission is to provide effective, efficient, transparent and accountable governance that guarantees quality on an ongoing basis. "This means that openness to public information has become the institution's commitment. This can be seen from accessibility and innovation to facilitate access to information for the public and disability groups," he said.
Director of Public Relations and Public Information, Vinda Maya Setianingrum added, there are a number of strategies and programs carried out by the 'Home of Champions' campus regarding public information disclosure. . First, prepare all access to information in the form of a digital platform to provide convenience.
Secondly, provide direct information service support facilities that are comfortable and disability-friendly. Third, strive for decentralization of information down to the study program level.
Fourth, increasing human resource capacity to ensure excellent and maximum public information services at the university-prodi level. Fifth, education and dissemination of openness of public information to the entire community. Sixth, involving student and community participation.
The success of this effort can be seen from various aspects, one of which is the aspect of community participation and disability groups from both academic and non-academic aspects.
"The number of UNESA regular students and students with disabilities continues to increase from year to year. They come from various regions, Sumatra to Nusa Tenggara. This means that information about UNESA disability services reaches the regions which ultimately makes them want to register and "I feel at home at UNESA," he said.
Optimizing access to public information at UNESA is strengthened by two main aspects, namely digital platforms through websites and social media, and offline through the important role of volunteers or disabled friends as companions for disabled students both on campus and off campus. [UNESA PR]
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