Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–The entire Academic Community of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) received the second vaccine injection at the LP3M UNESA Building on Wednesday (23/6/2021). The vaccine program was held in collaboration with SMCC UNESA and Bhakti Dharma Husada Hospital (BDH) Surabaya.
The second vaccine is intended for education staff (tendik) and employees around UNESA who have previously received the first vaccine injection. The type of vaccine received is Astrazeneca. The vaccine program is a continuation of the second batch of the first vaccine which was held earlier on Wednesday (23/6/2021) specifically for lecturers, coordinators and sub-coordinators around UNESA.
dr. Niken Sasadhara Sasmita as Head of the Covid and Health Division of SMCC UNESA said that the vaccine delivery so far has gone smoothly and as planned. He continued that the second post-vaccine generally did not have as many side effects as the first injection. “To anticipate any post-vaccination symptoms, we have provided a team and how to handle it. But so far there are no symptoms," he said.
UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes said that the vaccination was intended for the entire UNESA academic community, so that all could be safe and protected from exposure to Covid-19 and its variants. Even though he has received a second vaccine injection, he continued, health protocols must still be carried out in daily life.
According to him, the wall of self-defense from exposure to Covid-19 is not only a vaccine, but also self-discipline in maintaining a distance, wearing masks everywhere, and washing hands regularly. “It is safest to avoid crowds and wandering outside the house, if there is no urgent need. Urge must be really urgent, not pretending to be urgent," he said.
In addition, try to stay positive, get enough rest, and regularly exercise happily at home. "This Covid-19 pandemic will end not only because of the vaccine, but also high self-discipline. Don't be selfish and we must be self-aware. Prokes is not only for fear of being sanctioned, but for the health and safety of all," he said. (Hasna/zam)
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