Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - In order to encourage the implementation of the development of national sports achievement, the State University of Surabaya held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Sport Science Development with the Ministry of Research and Technology-Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, Ph.D on Friday (4/12).
In the FGD activity guided directly by Rector Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes, Minister of Sports Bambang Soemantri said that the development of sport science is a fundamental change that is very important in efforts to improve national sports achievement. Bambang said that the weakness of sports in Indonesia is that it does not have a permanent national license plate that is equipped with adequate technology.
Therefore, bambang explained, it is not surprising if the national courts are carried out depending on who the chairman generally is. If, the chairman is generally a retired police officer, for example, they will practice in places owned by the police, such as PPTIK field and so on. Similarly, if the chairman is generally an entrepreneur, then the national license plate is usually carried out in places managed by the businessman.
According to Bambang, such things are a weakness for sports in Indonesia so that they are less able to produce achievements. That is very different from in Brazil, for example, where they already have a national stadium for football with good governance and equipped with sports science technology.
"I think there are two things that we really need to do to improve the achievements by national sports, namely good sports governance and the development of sports science," said Menristek.
Bambang added that although the development of sport science is very important, one thing that should not be forgotten is mentally related. Because, so far, the mental problem of competing is often a big problem for Indonesian athletes.
On that occasion, Bambang also expressed support for Unesa who will develop sport science. Therefore, Bambang invited Unesa to submit a research proposal in the field of sports science. In addition, Menristek also supports unesa innovations such as Robot Kece, Disability and so on.
Dr. Hari Setiyono, M.Pd revealed that explaining that sport science has a huge role in the development and development of national sports. Sport science is not only about the science of improving athlete performance, but also involves other sciences such as kinanthropometry, biomecanics, sports physiology, and others.
"Sport science has its own challenges. Included in scouting, application of science and technology to analyze performance in the development of national sports," said Hari.
Hari Setiyono said that there are 3 things that can not be left to build macro buildings in sports coaching as directed by President Joko Widodo, namely governance ranging from the region from elementary school to college, big data, and sports science.
"These three things, as directed by the president, are urgently needed to accelerate the improvement of national sporting achievement," he said.
So far, Hari explained, the obstacles faced on the field are that most coaches rarely want to access the results of research from academics. In fact, the results of the research are very important to help improve sports achievement. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to cooperate between practitioners in the field with academics in universities.
"Unesa not only this year did sport science. Since 2003, for example, Unesa conducted tests on the Persipura Jayapura team. After the MAC 59 test, there are Persipura players who have quite good results, among them Boas Saloza. After the test, Persipura's performance began to appear. At its peak, in 2004, persipura team managed to become pon champion," he said.
In the badminton branch, Hari continued, Unesa had also tested Tomy Sugiarto. In addition, there is also Ivan Dimas, one of the young players who moncer his achievements. "When the test was done, Ivan Dimas did show higher results. No wonder, if he has excellent physique and can master the field," he said.
Meanwhile, Rector Prof. Dr. Nurhasan said that the development of sport science is very important in efforts to encourage the improvement of sports achievement. Therefore, Unesa is very grateful to have a sports science center that has complete equipment throughout Southeast Asia.
"We are grateful, Unesa has had a good and complete Sport Science. We are ready to support the advancement of sports in Indonesia," said Rector.
FGD was took place in the Swimming Pool Achilles Sport Science and Fitness Center Unesa, in addition to attended by the rector, also attended by the vice rectors, leaders of unesa, and also young researchers in the field of sport science. (sir)
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