Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya- One of the opportunities in releasing challenges during the pandemic is to accelerate digitalization so as to enable the transfer of knowledge between regions and open access for anyone who wants to participate. Responding to the spirit in seeking this distribution flexibility, Vice Rector for Planning and Partnership of State University of Surabaya presents various innovations in handling Covid-19 in pandemic.
After successfully organizing more than 900 Cooperation agreements in 2020 with government agencies, universities and organizations both at the national and international levels, today (30/11), Unesa held a virtual event that brings together 20 universities in the world to exchange stories as well as ideas about breakthroughs that have been held in an effort to handle and prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus in the Unesa International Forum of University Rectors 2020, the theme is Strengthening Global Partnership A Covid-19 Pandemic.
"Unesa supports 17 sustainable development programs where the point of education are one of our strength, so that in developing educational innovations, we are committed to continue to collaborate, coordinate so that we can adapted well in the pandemic" said Rector Unesa, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes.
The Minister of Research and Technology of Indonesia, Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, Ph.D also expressed the importance of collaboration as part of the sustainable development program, "Universities play an important role in creating and developing research so that we can promote this innovation as an effort to increase economic activity" he said.
Furthermore, various products from universities become interesting innovations to be developed, such as the creation of rapid test tools, artificial intelligent to detect the spread of covid-19 virus as well as robot innovations produced by Unesa to minimize contact between patients and nurses also doctors so that hopefully these products can help reduce the spread of Covid-19.
Appreciation for Unesa in developing creativity in order to develop research based on the industrial revolution system 4.0 was also conveyed by the Director General of Higher Education, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng in his presentation. "Universities play an important role in developing research, so in reaching the latest innovations, we must promote collaboration between universities or industries during the pandemic. In an effort to build this ecosystem, we must teach students not only related to theory but how to practice the theory in everyday life" he said.
After the speech and the presentation from the three presenters, the opening ceremony was continued with presentations from various universities about the products and innovations that have been created. Such as the application of health protocols in the new normal era which is implemented in university, the establishment of special institutions in handling Covid-19 and a number of other innovation products.
Not only that, there is also a group discussion forum that brings together participants from various countries, such as Taiwan, China, Thailand, philippines, Iraq and several other countries. The event was held in virtual through zoom channel by discussing and establishing Unesa Cooperation with various universities in efforts to handle Covid-19.
During the FGD, which lasted for 3 hours, participants presented presentations of their respective organizational profiles consisting of achievements and achievements on sustainable development and follow-up handling of Covid-19. (PR Unesa)
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