Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Improving the quality of television broadcasting in Indonesia is a shared task, including for universities. UNESA, continues to strive to contribute to realizing intellectual television broadcasting. For this important role, UNESA was awarded the award as a campus concerned with broadcasting in the 2021 Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) Award.
The award was only given by KPI to 12 universities throughout Indonesia and UNESA was the only campus in East Java to receive the award.
UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes expressed his gratitude for the trust given by KPI to UNESA. According to him, the similarity of spirit makes the collaboration that has been built so far can take place well and produce something meaningful.
"We believe that now knowledge can be obtained anywhere, one of them is through broadcast media. Therefore, UNESA is always ready to support various KPI policies as a broadcasting regulator in order to create TV shows that educate and contain good moral values," he said.
In recent years, through the programs and roles of the Communication Studies Study Program (IKOM) and LPPM UNESA, they are indeed concerned about efforts to improve the quality of broadcasting in Indonesia through various collaborations. With KPI, for example, the collaboration has been going on since 2018 in various activities, one of which is collaboration in research on evaluating television broadcasts and initiating media awareness villages in East Java.
Awang Dharmawan, M.A, Coordinator of Research Cooperation for the East Java Region stated that the research carried out by UNESA did not only produce documents, but the UNESA team also submitted data and carried out dissemination in the form of publications in the media, journals and books and went directly to community groups in East Java. It becomes KPI's data and consideration in formulating programs and improving broadcasting quality.
"We involve various groups in East Java, such as colleagues with special needs, media personnel, media institutions and many more to get directly involved in making intellectual broadcast content," explained the lecturer of Communication Studies Study Program FISH UNESA.
Awang said that research results are not only used as knowledge but are also expected to be able to encourage regulatory improvements. He conveyed that the results of this research became the basis for revision in making improvements to the Broadcasting Code of Conduct and Broadcasting Program Standards (P3SPS) which were established with the Ministry of Communication and Information, the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) and KPI.
"The P3SPS revision is ongoing to meet the needs of media that are constantly updated, one of which is policies regarding the linkage of ratings, TV shows and sponsors," he said.
It is hoped that this rule can reduce the number of violations and encourage broadcasters to make quality programs and make sponsors place advertisements on broadcast programs that have good quality.
This Unesa achievement is also based on innovation to support broadcasting through the education sector. The uniqueness of UNESA as an Educational Personnel Education Institution can be seen in the activity of providing general digital literacy courses and collaboration with teachers to be able to teach digital literacy. Most recently, UNESA has also initiated the establishment of literacy and media-aware villages with pilot projects in Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Mojokerto.
“The selection of this metropolitan area is based on the number of dense population density but is not matched by watching quality television broadcasts. In the future, Unesa plans to develop the assisted villages and the Real Work Lecture program with the theme of digital literacy as a manifestation of the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education," he explained. [UNESA PR]
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