Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The State University of Surabaya started a series of online events for The 2nd Unesa's International Forum of University Rectors (UNIFUR) on Tuesday, November 23, 2021. The annual international-scale forum carries the theme "Experience UNESA Exhibition 2021".
UNIFUR is one of a series of celebrations for the 57th anniversary of UNESA and as a form of collaboration between UNESA and partner universities around the world. The activity was opened by the Chancellor of UNESA, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes. Around 250 participants from various agencies from various countries participated in this online forum.
The speakers who attended were 1) Vaughan McKee from the University of York: Global Partnership Officer; 2) Mr. Muhammad Najib Atdikbud of the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra: Cultural and Education Attache; 3) Mr. Hartyo Harkomoyo Pensosbud Indonesian Embassy in London: Information and Sociocultural Affairs; and 4) Ms. Susan Tjong, Sun Education: Surabaya Branch Director.
Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., stated that the focus of the international forum held this year was on how to build relationships that UNESA has with partner universities in various fields. This includes strengthening collaboration and increasing innovation. "UNESA must play a big and broad role in the development of Science and Technology. Innovation must be cool, research and publications must also be cool," he said.
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. H. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., said that UNESA is ready to collaborate for a better future and it is hoped that this activity will be beneficial for the development of government, the world community, and humanity. (UNESA PR)
Author : Hiline
Editor: @zam*
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