Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–Mathematics Education Program FMIPA UNESA tasyakuran degree for their success in achieving international accreditation ASIIN. The event was held in the Lobby of Building C8 Unesa on Tuesday (31/3/2021) and attended by all levels of study programs, departments of FMIPA, both lecturers, tendik and students while still applying health protocols.
Head of Mathematics Education Program, Rooselyna Ekawati, Ph.D., in an interview session said that the success of mathematics education program achieved accreditation is inseparable from the role of all academic community ranging from university level to study program, be it lecturers, tendik, or students.
"Infrastructure needs to be supported by the university. Tendik is also required to understand this accreditation situation. In fact, we will also train tendik if there are foreign students who will study at the Mathematics Education Program. Students are also influential, their achievements at the national and international level are also an important point to support this accreditation," he explained.
Rooselyna added that the role of the majors is also great in the effort to maintain that remarkable achievement. According to him, Mathematics Education Program needs to pay attention to the advice of accreditation institutions such as completing documents related to internationalization policy to collaborate. "It's like exchanging students and lecturers with overseas campuses," he added.
In addition, each lecturer also needs to tidy up the learning plan documents. He further explained that lecturers need to make reports or analyst results in one semester. "In addition to teaching, lecturers also have the extra task of making reports, analysing what has been done, preparing for learning. If there are obstacles in learning what needs to be done so that the expected achievements can be fulfilled," said Rooselyna.
According to him, international accreditation is a branding for the study program while supporting the achievement of IKU (Main Performance Indicators) from the university. So that every element is good in the center until the study program can feel the benefits. For the next five years, the Mathematics Education Program will not stop to make updates to maintain these achievements.
On that occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si., said in his speech that the achievement was the result of cooperation from all parties. Starting from planning to compiling documents need synergy between study programs and lecturers. "This is a valuable lesson and we must keep it preserved, we build cooperation and collaboration so that the more productive and more achievements," added the professor of tsunami early detection application maker.
He advised that the curriculum that has been determined in this accreditation, namely the OBE (Outcome Based Education) curriculum should be applied seriously. Because, this curriculum becomes a requirement for an internationally accredited study program such as ASIIN.
"Well, in the implementation of the OBE curriculum not all lecturers understand about this. Let's keep learning and applying that in our courses. So it is an education system based on Outcome. This is what we need to socialize so that the application of this curriculum can continue to be a culture in each study program. Hopefully the Mathematics Program can follow," said Madlazim.
Head of Mathematics, Dr. Raden Sulaiman, M.Si also hopes that The Mathematics Study Program can follow in the footsteps of the Mathematics Education Program. It continues to prepare documents and increase the mobility of lecturers and students in international activities.
"First, compile a Curriculum Summary that will be submitted this April to ASIIN. Then we have sent students to the Credit Transfer Program at Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU), Philippines. Then it will soon include some students to join the 'sit in' at the University of Peninsular Malaysia (USM) and also at one of the universities in Brazil. Facilitating research in collaboration with foreign lecturers, with the output of articles published in reputable international journals," said Sulaiman.
In addition, he also said he will continue to improve infrastructure facilities and influence devices that support academics. "The C8 and C9 lecture halls will soon be renovated. But it looks like this year has not been able to be budgeted at the RBA in 2021. Academically related is licensed computer software. Currently do not have licensed software. Some are only budgeted at the RBA in 2021," Sulaiman said.
Sulaiman hopes that the effort needs full support from all parties so that the international accreditation process of Mathematics Study Program can be smooth and able to obtain optimal achievements. (suryo/zam).
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