Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Unesa held a Tasyakuran on Tuesday (6/4/2021). Located in the Auditorium of building D1 FMIPA, the event as a form of gratitude for the success of five FMIPA study programs that successfully achieved International Accreditation, ASIIN.
The five study programs that managed to get international accreditation are Mathematics Education Program, Biology Education Study Program, Physics Education Study Program, Chemistry Education Study Program and Science Education Program.
Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si., said, Tasyakuran as a symbol of gratitude for all the achievements of FMIPA so far. In addition, it is also to motivate each other in carrying out the mandate given so that it can be even better in the future. "The achievements that we have achieved so far, we must continue to maintain and even improve," he said.
He invited all lecturers to continue to apply the Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum as one of the requirements for obtaining International Accreditation. According to him, the number of graduates is not an important point in applying this curriculum, but the long-term effects of the resulting graduates should also be considered.
"We need socialization and implementation of comprehensive understanding in the department so that in its application can run correctly and smoothly. Because this is the main requirement of ASIIN accreditation is the application of the OBE curriculum, namely outcome-based education," he explained.
Madlazim also hopes that non-educational programs in FMIPA can follow in the footsteps of the study programs that successfully obtained ASIIN accreditation. These programs are Mathematics Study Program, Physics Study Program, Chemistry Study Program, and Biology Study Program.
In addition to tasyakuran activities, faculty leaders have the opportunity to give a rope of love to lecturers and educational personnel who have retired, as a form of appreciation of faculty leaders to lecturers and tendik who have long served for the faculty and majors in FMIPA.
Not to forget, Madlazim also motivates lecturers and tendik who are still active in FMIPA to follow the spirit of the retired lecturers. He added, there needs to be a sense of belonging or handarbeni so that what has been done can be felt benefits directly.
"We should exemplify the spirit of the senior lecturers and tendik who have retired from this task. Thanks to their contribution and hard work, FMIPA can still exist and become what it is today," said Madlazim. (Suryo/Zam)
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