Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-In an effort to improve the quality and quality of students of global standard, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) sent six students in an exchange program to Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU), Philippines. In addition to Unesa, there are also students from six other universities who are members of the program, such as Bogor Agricultural University, Pancasakti Tegal University, Malang Islamic University, Yogyakarta Veterans National Development University, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology and Mercu Buana University.
Tau's welcoming event was held virtually on Monday (08/03/2021). The welcoming theme is "TAU Virtual Student Exchange Program: Second Semester 2020-2021 Welcome Party". On that occasion, there were all rectors and representatives from each university involved, TAU Rector Dr. Max P. Guillermo, Dr. Danilo N. Oficiar, Dr. Arnold E. Velasco, Dr. Christine N. Ferrer, Caroline N. Gabis and Dr. Ma. Asuncion G. Beltran.
Representatives from Unesa, attended Asrori, S.S., M.Pd. who represented rector Unesa along with nine students who participated in the program. They are Ulinnuha Aisya Putri, Sayirra Taskia, Kurrotul Hasanah and Salsabila Reza Andriananda from Mathematics Education. Then Kayla Naulia Fadhila from Chemistry, Sefrina Putri Trisnanti from Physics, Ranum Melina H. from Biology, Nadia Ulfa also from Biology and Mochamad Danu Devasyah from Science Education.
Rector Unesa's speech as read by Asrori, S.S., M.Pd., that Unesa has a long-term commitment with Tarlac Agricultural University in efforts to improve the quality of education and research. That cooperation has taken place in various forms over the past few years. The good relationship paid off a lot and continued in the cooperation of other fields on an ongoing basis. This year, Unesa sent students to Tarlac Agricultural University for various programs.
Prof. Nurhasan., M.Kes., hopes that the students can learn many things and can gain many new experiences and that supports the improvement of understanding, skills, and competencies in their respective scientific fields.
"We believe that Tarlac Agricultural University can be a good relationship in preparing a quality learning environment for our students. Hopefully in the future Unesa and TAU can establish cooperation in the form of more diverse partnerships," said rector Unesa at the end of his speech. G. Beltran from TAU in his speech also hopes, through the cooperation program can be a means to share ideas and science and support each other in improving progress in the field of technology and science. (Hasna/zam)
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