Unesa.ac.id - Surabaya As a form of community service the BEM Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) held a Student Service (BAM) service titled < em> & ldquo; Definitive Steps to Serve the Country & rdquo; (22/6). The purpose of this activity is to increase the awareness of FBS students to the community practice knowledge by providing religious education and skills training to the community. In addition it is also a place to strengthen the bond of friendship between students and the community.
Activities scheduled for 9 days are located in Pogoh and Tawang Bajulan Village Loceret District Nganjuk Regency. The community positively welcomed the activities carried out by BEM FBS.
The agenda of activities carried out included batik making workshops community service with residents a workshop dealing with rosella plants community service by helping residents coloring competitions reading poetry and kite painting teaching to children familiarity activities with the community eating together with village officials and giving books as a forum to add insight and means to improve literacy culture.
This activity is an implementation of fulfilling one of the tri dharma college. The hope participants can learn in society. While for the community this activity is expected to be able to improve the economy and knowledge of local residents. (tni
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