Reog performance at the 2024 National Student and Student Traditional Dance Festival (FTTPMN).
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—The Student Activities Unit (UKM) of Dance at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) together with the Student Activities Community (KKM) of the Arts, Drama, Dance and Music Study Program (Sendratasik) successfully held the 2024 National Student and Student Traditional Dance Festival (FTTPMN). < /p>
This festival lasts for two days, from 30 November to 1 December 2024, at Graha Sawunggaling, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan UNESA. Entering its eighth year of implementation, this time FTTPMN carries the theme "D'joeang" which is in line with the spirit of Heroes' Month.
This theme was chosen with the hope that all participants can instill an attitude of never giving up in their creative process. This festival was attended by the FBS leadership, the Dance Dance Study Program Coordinator, the Dance UKM supervisor, as well as three jury members, namely Sandhidea Cahyo Norpati, Diaztiarni, and Moh Hariyanto.
The UNESA Dance UKM-KKM advisor, Eko Wahyuni Rahayu said, the festival This is an opportunity to express artistic talent as well as promote UNESA to high school students. "Hopefully the participating high school friends can continue their education at UNESA and continue to develop their talents in the field of art," he said.
This festival is divided into three competition categories, namely the student category (junior high school and high school equivalent) which was held on November 30, as well as the student category which was held on December 1, along with the awards night.

Pose with participants, winners and organizers at the awarding session.
A total of 66 participating teams from all over Indonesia also participated, consisting of 23 middle school teams, 39 high school teams and 5 student teams. Each team is required to appear with a formation of at least seven people, bringing traditional dance works in the form of new creations or existing repertoire.
The Chief Executive of FTTPMN 2024, Adrian Shiera, explained that this activity aims to accommodate pupils and students so that continue to be creative and innovate in developing traditional art into valuable works. "We hope that this festival can reach more participants nationally in the coming years," he said.
One of the winners, SMAN 1 Ponorogo, admitted that he was happy to get a gold medal after going through various training processes. "We hope that in the future we can continue to participate in FTTP every year and win championship titles at every opportunity," said one of the SMAN 1 Ponorogo team coaches.
With the spirit of D'joeang, FTTPMN 2024 will not only be an arts stage, but also a forum for the younger generation to preserve and develop Indonesia's cultural riches. This event was also enlivened by special appearances from Eksotika Nusantara, the Peksimida 2024 delegation, and Reyog Singo Sawunggaling FBS UNESA.
The following are the winners of FTTPMN 2024:
Student Category
- 1st Place and Best Fashion Makeup & Costumes: EDC Brawijawa
- 2nd Place: Universitas Bhineka PGRI Tulungagung
- 3rd Place: FKM Jember University
- Best Dancer: Zidan Erlangga
High School Equivalent Category
- 1st Place: SMAN 1 Ponorogo
- 2nd Place & Best Makeup & Costumes: SMAN 2 Lumajang
- 3rd Place: SMAN 8 Malang
- Non Ranking Featured Presenters: SMAN 6 Surabaya, SMAN 1 Babadan, and SMAN 1 Kedungwaru
- Best Male Dancer: Radhin Dhimas Ramadani
- Best Female Dancer: Kinara Princessa Zhaura Maharani
Middle School Equivalent Category
- 1st Place: SMPN 1 Candipuro
- 2nd Place: Mlarak Ponorogo Middle School
- 3rd Place & Best Makeup & Costumes: SMPN 1 Ponorogo B
- Non Ranking Featured Presenters: SMPN 12 Surabaya, SMPN 4 Malang, SMPN 22 Surabaya
- Best Male Dancer: Fahrhizal Alvian Bayu
- Best Female Dancer: Desy Miranti Wahyuningtyas.[*]
Reporter: Dede Rahayu Adiningtyas (FIP)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: FTTPMN Team 2024
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