Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - Surabaya State University (Unesa) Establish cooperation with the University of Negros Occidental Recoetos (Unor) Philippines in Meeting Room 801, 8th floor, Rectorate of Unesa Campus 2 Tongue Wetan, on Monday, February 3, 2025.
Deputy Rector IV in Planning, Development, Development, Cooperation, and Information and Communication Technology, Dwi Cahyo Kartiko welcomed this cooperation. Professor of the Faculty of Sports and Health (FIKK) stated that the agreed form of cooperation there were three programs. and Research Collaboration . This collaboration involves a number of faculties, namely the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK), the Faculty of Engineering (FT), the Faculty of Education (FIP), and the Faculty of Psychology (FPSI).
"This cooperation was immediately followed up, So that 4 faculties can carry out these cooperation in the form of student exchanges, humanitarian projects, to international PLPs, "he said.
Asrori, Director of the Office of International Affairs (OIA) stated, three forms of agreed cooperation could be followed up by each faculty. Student Exchange can be in the form of PLP, Summer Course and others.
" Lecturer Exchange One of them is arranged by FIKK for Visiting Lecturer . For research we will facilitate with LPPM to explore research cooperation. They are among the campuses that have professional athletes so that one of the faculties who will work together is FIKK, "he added.
President University of Negros Occidental Recoletos , Rev. Fr. Joel A. Alve, Oar explained that Unor is a private Catholic tertiary education institution that focuses on education, sports and religion in the Philippines.
The man who is familiarly called Father Joel said that his party was interested in working with Unesa because in one This decade they see academic academic and governance and governance of UNESA. Culture that has a global impact, "he explained.
Father Joel hopes to send the best athletes to study at FIKK UNESA and vice versa, FIKK UNESA students can study at Unor. Moreover, Unor has post-trauma and injury clinical facilities and this is very interesting to build collaboration between UNESA and Unor.
Besides Father Joel, Unor representatives who visit UNESA consist of Ms. Jennifer Montero as Consultant, Agnes Sequino as Director, Internationalization Office., Engr. Ashraf Khater as Director, Research and Development Office, and Engr. Lea Joy Hiponia as Dean of College of Engineering. [*]
Reporter: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team
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