Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA--Various transformations carried out recently have made UNESA Labschool widely used as a reference for several universities, one of which is the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Sebelas Maret University (UNS) which carries out benchmarking at the UNESA Labschool on Tuesday, December 5 2023.
The UNS delegation led by the Chair of the FKIP Academic Senate, Prof. Dr. Munawir Yusuf, M.Psi., was welcomed by the Director of UNESA Labschool, Prof. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., and his staff in the Meeting Room, UNESA Rectorate.
Prof Munawir Yusuf said that this visit was in the context of a comparative study and to explore many references related to the establishment and management of laboratory schools. UNESA, he continued, is one that has a laboratory school that can be said to be developing.
"The UNESA Labschool has Elementary Schools (SD), Middle Schools (SMP), and High Schools (SMA). Of course there is a lot of experience in managing labschools which can be a reference or strengthening for those of us who are preparations for establishing a lab school," he said.
Prof Sujarwanto explained that UNESA Labschool has a long history so it can develop as it is now. There have been various breakthroughs made, one of which is improving the quality of governance and the quality of education, so that Labschool is not just a campus laboratory, but truly becomes a center for quality education for the nation's generation.
"We are improving this quality together with internationalization and branding. Our Labschool has a total of around 9 schools ranging from Kindergarten, Elementary to Middle School located in two campus areas, namely Lidah Wetan and Ketintang," explained the professor of education management specifically the Faculty of Education (FIP).
Furthermore, regarding its establishment, continued Prof. Sujarwanto, following existing processes and regulations. Initially there was a kind of establishment regulation and fulfilling all existing requirements. The most important thing after that is to prepare a teacher and staff recruitment scheme that is of course reliable.
"Including school leaders, they must really be people who can translate the existing vision and mission. Not just filling positions. We have confirmed that, including teachers and school facilities which are crucial elements. After that is strengthened, then we encourage UNESA Labschool to transform into an international school," he said.
There are several strategies being carried out towards an international standard labschool. The most important thing is changing the mindset of school governance, improving the quality and involving human resources in international programs, improving academic quality and the innovation ecosystem, and developing the campus environment including sustainable infrastructure to support the SDGs. []
Reporter: Salma Qotrunada S/Diana Puji Lestari
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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