Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–A total of eight UNESA student teams successfully passed and received funding for the 2021 Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) from the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Directorate General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) of the Republic of Indonesia.
The program "made" by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs is a community empowerment activity carried out by students through student activity units (UKM) or student executive bodies (BEM) with the aim of fostering a sense of caring and contributing to the community in the village in order to build an active, independent guided village. , entrepreneurial, and prosperous.
Meanwhile, on the other hand, the village community is expected to be able to find and develop the existing potential to continue to be developed or turn on the activities that have been initiated to become more developed and useful towards an advanced, superior and prosperous village.
The eight teams that managed to get PHP2D came from various study programs. First, the Accounting Student Association (HMJ). The program they are carrying is "Sweet Potato Sticks Production as an Effort to Realize Creative Industries in Sendang Hamlet, Underwriting Village". Second, HMJ Guidance and Counseling with the program "Development of Kampong Komet Ecotourism with the Implementation of Smart Tourism 4.0 in Punjul Village, Kab. Kediri". Third, HMJ Indonesian Language and Literature with the program "Central Spinach Hydroponics with Inorganic Waste Media Towards Independence of 1001 Malam Pemulung Kampong, Dupak Village, Kec. Wates, Surabaya".
Then fourth, there is HMJ PGSD with the “D-kompate (animal feed decomposition) program as an Innovative and Solutive Animal Food Empowerment Media in Tulungrejo Village, Kec. Wates, Kab. Blitar". Fifth, HMJ Health and Recreation Education successfully passed the Community Empowerment and Economic Improvement Efforts through Optimizing Tourism at Joko Mursodo Beach, Lohgung Village, Lamongan“.
Sixth, DPM FBS carries the program "Empowerment of the Catfish Sentra Village Through Creative Industry Development and Catfish Processed Innovation as an Effort to Improve the Economy in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period for the Tawangrejo Village Community, Kec. Turi, district. Lamongan. Then the seventh is DPM FIP carrying the program "Community Empowerment to Increase Income Through the Entrepreneurship Program for Catfish and Hydroponic Vegetable Cultivation in Kel. Gundih, Surabaya. The eighth team, BEM FMIPA carried out the program "Empowerment of VISHON (Various Fishbone) SMEs as an Economic Improvement and Local Creativity of the Segoro Village Community, Kab. Sidoarjo".
Hafib Chaozaini Azhar from the PGSD Department and the head of the HMJ PGSD team said that the program they adopted was a process of changing shape or decomposition in the form of material decomposition according to the desired needs (decomposition). In this case, it is the straw that undergoes decomposition for animal feed needs. So, briefly decomposition of animal feed to process or decompose straw with the aim of making it a more efficient animal feed innovation to be used for a longer time.
Through this program, the goal of Hafib and his friends is to empower rural communities in optimizing the processing of agricultural waste, namely straw, which so far has not been maximized in its utilization into a superior and innovative animal feed product whose processing is carried out through fermentation techniques. "We just want to help residents give the best for them (citizens, ed). We just want to be involved and contribute for the people, for the homeland,” he said.
Meanwhile, Frilia Windi Ega Putri, as the head of the HMJ Health and Recreational Education team, said she was happy with the passing of their team in the program. He continued that the program they were carrying was to encourage the optimization of Joko Mursodo Beach tourism as an effort to empower and improve the economy of the community in Lohgung, Lamongan.
Through this program, he and his colleagues will hold tourism management training as a strategy to improve the community's economy, use social media as a tourism potential branding strategy and create an organized and sustainable Joko Mursodo beach area. He also explained that currently they are still waiting for the contract to go to the next stage before the next activity can be carried out.
He hopes that what he has done can help improve the economy and people's welfare, especially during this pandemic. He also expects full support from all parties, including the community and universities to realize sustainable programs for the community. (Hasna/zam)
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