Unesa.ac.id,Surabaya–Surabaya State University continues to improve the quality of education and learning in many ways, one of which is to encourage all study programs to obtain international accreditation. On this basis, the Unesa Quality Assurance Unit signed an accreditation agreement with the dean and head of Unesa's study program on the 9th Floor of the Unesa Rectorate Building on Thursday (27/5/2021).
The event was attended by prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes, Rector of Unesa and Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd, Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs of Unesa along with the deans, postgraduate directors, and the Head of Unesa Selingkung Study Program.
Dr. Widowati Budijastuti, M.Si said that this event was an effort to increase the commitment of the Unesa academic community in improving the quality of study program accreditation to the international level. This can also have a positive impact on students and alumni in the future.
A total of 21 study programs participated, accompanied by deans and post directors in this signing ceremony. Widowati himself explained that in 2021 and 2022, the quality assurance team focused on directing study programs to carry out international accreditation in ASIIN, AQAS, ACQUIN and FIBAA. In 2021 alone, there are 11 study programs that are preparing to undertake AQAS accreditation. Meanwhile, in 2022, there are 6 faculties consisting of 21 study programs that are ready to carry out international accreditation.
Widowatati also explained about several provisions which are one of the important points for implementing international level accreditation, such as the implementation of the OBE curriculum, alumni output, research from the academic community, cooperation with abroad and other provisions.
Unesa Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes in his speech gave an injection of enthusiasm and positive energy to support the deans and heads of study programs in carrying out the commitment to achieving international accreditation. He said that a change in mindset was very important.
According to him, the mindset must be adaptive in the pandemic era so that Unesa can be better. "Human resources used to be taken care of together. I am very sure that Unesa's human resources are great, in the era of 4.0, we have to be tough, innovate, collaborate and adapt. That is an important key in order to move forward, "he said. (Hasna / zam)
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