Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA- The International Accreditation Division of the UNESA Quality Assurance Unit held a Digital Site Visit online and offline which took place at the U1 Building, Faculty of Sports Science (FIO) 3rd Floor UNESA Lidah Wetan Campus on 21, 24, 26 and ended on January 28, 2022. This event has also passed a series of stages starting from the preparation stage, registration to implementation which has been carried out for 2 years.
Head of UPT Language Center UNESA, Drs. Suwarno Imam Samsul., M.Pd. explained, Digital Site Visit is an online visitation for international accreditation by the AQAS accreditation agency from Germany. This moment happens to be an opportunity from three study programs at the Faculty of Sports Science (FIO).
In addition, Dr. Widowati Budijastuti, M.Sc. as the Head of the UNESA International Accreditation Division added that this event was the 5th time from the International Accreditation Division related to the visitation of international accreditation agencies such as AQAS and ASIIN.
Drs. Suwarno said this event was held in two languages, namely German and English. German is used to initiate or lead the chancellor in starting the presentation, and also to close the event in German. Meanwhile, English is used in the whole event.
In this event involving UNESA and the AQAS International Accreditation Institute, a number of participants from both parties were present. UNESA was attended by the leadership of universities, faculties and study programs. Then the members of the International Accreditation Division, Head of LP3, LPPM, Language Center, Library, SPM, UCC Unit, MBKM Unit, Information Development Unit, and Alumni from the three FIO Study Programs.
Meanwhile, from AQAS, the AQAS International Accreditation Agency was attended by Dorothee Groeger and also invited Experts from leading universities in Germany or Europe adapted to their fields, steakholders and foreign students who were also from European countries.
Widowati also explained that in this event there were 6 types of sessions: 1) University Session which was attended by all university leaders, heads of institutions, quality assurance, and university taskforce teams. 2) Faculty session attended by faculty leaders, study program leaders and faculty quality assurance. 3) The study program session was attended by teaching staff and study program quality assurance. 4) Student and alumni session. 5) Stakeholder session.
Widowati added that the preparation for this accreditation visitation had gone through many stages, not including the registration and implementation stages of accreditation until the post-visit. Therefore, the UNESA International Accreditation Division has prepared and carried out this activity for 2 years.
Those prepared are; a) OBE curriculum, b) Study program data, c) alumni and stakeholder tracers, c) web links, e) audit results, f) internationalization activities, g) teaching and learning facilities, and others.
Then the registration process consists of 5 stages, namely, 1) Finding the appropriate international accreditation agency. 2) Communicate with the agency. 3) Sending curriculum or study program profiles. 4) Establish clusters, and 5) Contract agreements. Then in the implementation stage there are 4 stages, namely, 1) Making self-evaluation reports for study programs and faculties, 2) Sending files, 3) Accreditation visits, and 4) Visitation sessions.
This activity is a means for UNESA to gain a global reputation. In addition, in achieving the vision and mission of the university in order to be able to keep up with the increasingly rapid development of the industrial and educational world.
The purpose of this Digital Site Visit is for more study programs at UNESA to get international accreditation, so as to be able to improve the quality of universities that prioritize international activities. In addition, to achieve the UNESA millestone so that it can become a world-class university, at least at the Southeast Asian level by 2025.
In addition, international accreditation is also a guarantee of the quality of higher education at the international level, one of which is as a form of introduction so that universities can be known to the world.
He hopes that in the future more and more UNESA study programs will be internationally accredited, thus making UNESA a global standard campus. He also hopes that the journey to take the accreditation can run smoothly and well, and further accelerate all study programs at UNESA with international accreditation status.
“The target is that 50% of study programs can be internationally accredited. Currently, there are only 8 study programs that have received ASIIN accreditation. There are 11 study programs that have visited AQAS, and 16 study programs are in the preparation stage for accreditation by international institutions such as ASIIN, AQAS and HCERES," he said.
Reporter: Azhar
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Group photo (Private documentation)
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