Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) Apart from having excellence in education, sports and disability, he also excels in language and arts through the important role of the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS). The faculty continues to prove itself as a repository of UNESA achievements both at the national and international levels.
Dean of FBS, Dr. Trisakti, M.Si said that the faculty, which was previously known as the Faculty of Language and Arts Education (FPBS), was a milestone in the establishment of UNESA in 1964 which until now has 14 study programs (prodi) as follows;
- S-1 Indonesian Language Education
- S-1 English Education
- S-1 German Language Education
- S-1 Japanese Language Education
- S-1 Mandarin Education
- S-1 Java Language Education
- S-1 Balletary Education
- S-1 Fine Arts Education
- S-1 Music Arts
- S-1 Fine Arts
- S-1 Visual Communication Design (DKV)
- S-1 English Literature
- S-1 Indonesian Literature
- S-1 German Literature
“FBS is the target of many registrants. When viewed from previous years, the study programs with the highest specialization in FBS are English Literature, Visual Communication Design, Indonesian Literature including Indonesian Language and Literature Education. Then there are also those who recently received international accreditation," he explained at the UNESA Virtual Campus Expo (UVCE), on Monday, February 21, 2022.

Dr. Mintowati, M.Pd., Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs added, as for the four study programs that have international accreditation, The Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs (AQAS), namely; S-1 Education in Indonesian Language and Literature, S-1 Education in Javanese Language and Literature, S-1 Education in English and S-1 in English Literature.
He added that all FBS study programs have their own laboratories. The language study program has a language laboratory, then fine arts has its own lab according to the courses being followed. “There are lots of laboratories at FBS. There are Batik Labs, Screen Printing Labs, Dance Labs and so on which are equipped with qualified facilities," he explained.
FBS has many scholarships and collaborations with various domestic and foreign institutions, one of which is Central China Normal University (CCNU), Wuhan. Through this collaboration, every year FBS sends students through student exchange programs, internships and further studies there. "One of FBS' flagship programs is Permata Sakti where students can study at other universities in Indonesia," he said.
Dr. Anik Juwariyah, M.Sc., as the Head of the Sendratasik Department said that in terms of achievement, FBS is one of the faculties that gains many achievements for UNESA. FBS has Gita Pramawisesa (UNESA Choir) who regularly wins at the international level, recently bagging a gold winner at the Bali International Fair. In addition, to support lectures, FBS has 12 kinds of student activity units (UKM) as a forum for developing student potential and skills. [UNESA PR]
Author : Anggun
Editor: @zam
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