Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) plans to carry out limited and gradual face-to-face lectures (PTMTB) in a hybrid form in the even semester of 2021/2022. To ensure the readiness of infrastructure and facilities to comply with regulations, UNESA coordinated with the Surabaya City Covid-19 Task Force to conduct an assessment on Wednesday, January 26, 2022.
The assessment carried out by the Covid-19 Task Force team is in order to collect a number of data such as the percentage of vaccines that have been carried out, the number of employees with congenital diseases, the number of employees who are pregnant, and the calculation of room capacity.
"This collected data will serve as a reference in formulating policies," said Anang Kustiawan, Coordinator of the Surabaya City Covid-19 Task Force 3 Assessment Team.
He added, UNESA has implemented a number of good health standards, starting from rooms that are directly exposed to sunlight, good air circulation and the readiness of UNESA's SMCC which is already good.
Based on the results of the coordination, UNESA will add special medical waste for the disposal of masks in each building, add a hand washing place.
In addition, UNESA also updated posters warning health protocols in every room and installed a scanned Pedulilindungi barcode in every building, each of which will be guarded by one to two officers.
So far, UNESA has carried out a number of campaigns and the implementation of 5M MIO, namely recommendations for wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds and praying to God Almighty, quality food, adequate rest and regular exercise as a joint movement to keep the entire community in healthy state. (UNESA PR)
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