Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The State University of Surabaya has successfully hosted the Provincial Petanque Championships held by the Provincial Government of the Indonesian Petanque Sports Federation (FOPI) in East Java on 22-25 November 2021 on the left side of the UNESA LP3M Building, Lidah Wetan Campus. The event was in preparation for the East Java Provincial Sports Week (Porprov).
The event was attended by participants from 29 regencies and cities in the East Java region. There are two scoring systems implemented; The first is round robin or a team can be divided into three teams, then the second double knockout is usually used to shorten the time for example due to weather factors.
"If the weather is rainy, we usually use the double knockou," said Kholili as the Chief Executive of Kejurprov-IV. He also added that this activity was aimed at coaching so that there would be regeneration of athletes, because the average participant was under the age of 21.
He explained that there are 33 of the 38 regions in East Java that are members of FOPI. However, there were only 29 districts or cities participating in this championship. "There is one area that did not send representatives to this championship event, namely Madiun, due to the pandemic factor," he explained.
From the results of the competition, in the Shooting Men category, the first place was won by participants from Pasuruan Regency, second place was won by participants from Lumajang Regency, and the third winner was participants from Kediri City and Pasuruan City. For the Shooting Women category, participants from Pasuruan Regency won the first place, the second was Lamongan Regency and the third was Pasuruan Regency and Tulungagung Regency.
In the Single Men category, the first winner was from Lumajang Regency, the second winner was Pasuruan Regency, and the third winner was from Kediri City and Sidoarjo Regency. In the Single Women category, participants from Pasuruan Regency won first place, the second was Probolinggo City, the third was Mojokerto City and Lamongan Regency. In the Double Men category, the first winner was from Lamongan Regency, the second winner was from Mojokerto City, and the third winner was from Sidoarjo Regency and Kediri City.
In the Double Women category, the first winner was Pasuruan Regency, the second was Bojonegoro, the third was Kediri Regency and Gresik Regency.
The first place in the Double Mix category was won by participants from Lumajang Regency, the second from Malang Regency, and the three participants from Pacitan Regency and Ponorogo Regency.
The first place in the Triple Men category was won by Probolinggo Regency, the second from Mojokerjo Regency, and the third from Pamekasan Regency.
In the Triple Women category, the first winner was Lamongan Regency, the second was Pasuruan Regency, the third was Bangkalan Regency and Probolinggo City.
Category 2 Men 1 Women won the first place by the City of Kediri, the second from Pamekasan Regency, the third from Banyuwangi Regency and Jombang Regency. Finally, for the category 2 Women 1 Men, the first place winner is Kediri Regency, the second is Pasuruan Regency, and the third is Tulungagung Regency and Malang Regency. Pasuruan Regency won the overall champion with 3 Gold, 3 Silver and 1 Bronze.
Kholili hopes that this championship can monitor new athletes and young athletes who excel who can later win medals for East Java at tiered events such as POPNAS (National Student Sports Week), PON (National Sports Week), POMNAS (National Student Sports Week). ), so that they can take the best area so they can become a trainer for the Regional Training Center (Puslatda), especially the East Java area. (UNESA PR)
Reporters: Nadia Nafifn and Ulum Izzati
Editor: @zam*
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