Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The management of the Indonesian Petanque Sports Federation (FOPI) of East Java Province will hold the IV Petanque Sports Provincial Championship from November 22-25, 2021. The State University of Surabaya was asked to host the championship which was held at the Petanque Field LP3 UNESA Campus Lidah Wetan. This activity is also part of the series of UNESA's 57th Anniversary with the theme 'Tough with UNESA'.
The series of championships began with a contingent defile from 29 regencies in East Java. Then the reading of a prayer together which was followed by singing the anthem Indonesia Raya and Mars Patriot Sports. The Chairperson of the East Java Provincial Kejurprov IV Petanque Committee, Kholili, M.Pd. He expressed his gratitude to the chairman of LP3 who had facilitated the sporting event.
To raise the spirits of the participants, he called for a petanque greeting with the contingents. "One Boka, a Million Brothers, One Bosi, A Thousand Achievements," he shouted, which was immediately followed by all the participants. It was recorded that there were 250 participants competing. They took part in several competition numbers. There were Shooting Men & Women, Single Men & Women; Double Men, Women & Mix, Triple Men & Women, Triple Mix 2 Men 1 Woman and 2 Woman 1 Men.
Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the East Java FOPI Pengprov, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., in his speech said that the purpose of the championship was to find talents and hone the talents of petanque athletes. At the same time as an effort to prepare athletes to welcome the national championship in the future.
"If you don't practice and train yourself through competitions, it will be difficult to develop, therefore this competition is one of the preparations so that athletes can excel for the benefit of East Java and Indonesia in the future," he said. According to him, achieving achievements cannot only rely on talent, but must also be accompanied by systematic and diligent training. "The key is there, we can because we are used to it," he said.
The championship was officially opened by throwing the first petanque (bosi) ball by the man who is usually called Cak Hasan. Then it was followed by a second bosi throw by the Head of the East Java Dispora. The official match is running. "Compet like you practice, practice like you compete," said the UNESA Chancellor. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Nabila and Diah
Editor: @zam*
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