Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Chancellor of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., and dozens of students under the coordination of SMCC UNESA were involved in Nandur Mangrove with the Governor of East Java and his staff at Bohay Beach, Probolinggo Regency, on Sunday (12/26/2021).
The location for mangrove planting is the Bhinor Harmoni Tourism area which functions as an educational and conservation center for mangrove ecosystems as an effort to protect the coastline from abrasion. The type of mangrove planted is Avicennia sp. as many as 1,000 stems and sea pine as much as 500 stems. It is a symbolic planting of a total of 95,000 stems that will be planted in an area of 30 hectares.
East Java Governor Dra. Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, M.Sc., stated that the mangrove planting activity was an effort by the East Java Provincial Government to rehabilitate national mangroves as well as to empower the economy for the community. It is the duty of all parties, apart from planting, it is also important to continue to care for it so that a natural ecosystem is formed.
"What we plant today is for the natural ecosystem, of course for our children and grandchildren and the future of our nation's ecosystem. All citizens of the nation, Indonesia is the lungs of the world, let us contribute to revitalization in building the world's ecosystem," he said.
In 2021, East Java has planted 881,508 mangroves on an area of 295.62 hectares. Meanwhile, in 2020, mangrove planting in East Java covering an area of 1,046 hectares has been carried out with a total of 4,203,200 stems planted in 14 districts or cities in East Java. It is planned that in 2022 there will be planting of mangroves in East Java covering an area of 1,280 hectares.
"Life has to be lively, don't wait with whom and when to plant. Start planting anytime and anywhere. Plant and maintain," said Khofifah.
UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., appreciated the programs and activities of the East Java Provincial Government, one of which was to prioritize the preservation of nature. The provincial government's spirit of development does not only focus on infrastructure, but also how to ensure that nature remains sustainable. "For me this is extraordinary, there is a balance in the concept of development in East Java," he said.
He added, UNESA has always supported the East Java Provincial Government's program in protecting and preserving the environment. UNESA programs through students are also directed to support provincial government programs. Thematic KKN, for example, UNESA students planted thousands of tree seedlings in the Mojokerto area.
"Besides that, there's a lot more. I always strive for synergy between the campus and the local government in this case preserving nature. Because this is our duty together and for our common interests," he said. "In the future, I hope that UNESA and other campuses can contribute further, not only developing eco-campus, but also greening villages," he added. [UNESA PR]
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