Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA –Fasting has a lot of wisdom and benefits for those who run it. One of them can improve the quality of physical and psychological health. The urgency of fasting for health and maintaining fitness was explained by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Sports Science (FIO) of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) in the Afternoon Ngaji Ramadhan 1443 H with the Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Branch Manager of Surabaya City on April 16, 2022.
On that occasion, Dr. Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, M. Kes., Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs FIO revealed that fasting does feel hungry and thirsty. However, fasting is closely related to improving the quality of one's fitness and health.
“Fasting is not done to reduce a person's physical quality in daily activities. However, fasting plays an important role in improving the quality and personal strength of a person in carrying out daily activities," he stressed again.
By fasting, he continued, blood sugar levels in the body can be maintained. Can lose excess weight. Increase body metabolism and brain work and increase endurance. It also maintains heart health and reduces the risk of diabetes and cancer.
He suggested that when breaking the fast do not immediately eat heavy food so that it has the potential to injure the stomach. It's good to break the fast with small meals first, such as consuming dates and water or it could be with fruit.
How to maintain fitness? The man who is also an East Java sports coach explained that according to WHO recommendations, it is necessary to do physical activity or exercise for 150 minutes a week. The time and duration scheme can be adjusted as needed. You can also exercise five days a week. Each day 30 minutes each.
"When fasting, the default wants to lie down. Indeed, the sleep of a fasting person is a reward, but if it is not productive, it is also a problem," said the UNESA sports expert.
In order to want to exercise, you must start with a personal mindset and determination that you really want to be healthy. Second, 'translate' that mindset and determination into the form of movement or starting sports. "It's not enough to want it, how can it move our bodies from their habit of lying down to exercise habits. Don't be spoiled by technology. Take advantage of technology to support health and fitness," he said.
If someone actually moves and does exercise, there will be many diseases waiting in line in the body. "From now on, we start to change our mindset and use only a few minutes a day to fulfill the needs of our body and soul, namely worship and exercise," he said. [UNESA PR]
Author: Saputra
Editor: @zam*
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