Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The leadership of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) received a visit and benchmarking from the leadership of the South Tangerang Open University (UT) in the 8th Floor Meeting Room, Rectorate Building, UNESA Campus 2 Lidah Wetan Surabaya on Monday, January 8 2024.
A comparative study attended by UT academic staff to discuss the opening of new study programs, admission of foreign students, management of Recognition of Past Learning (RPL), and internationalization of study programs.
UT Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Mohamad Yunus, S.S., M.A., in his speech stated that the aim of this visit was to strengthen cooperation and increase the frequency of discussions related to the academic domain and other relevant aspects, so that their implementation at UT can be carried out optimally.
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Vice UNESA Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., warmly welcomed the arrival of the UT academic staff. According to him, it is important to strengthen cooperation between universities in all aspects.
"Hopefully there will be more discussion and collaboration which will bring benefits in the future. "The success achieved by UNESA is the result of strong synergy between all parties involved," he said.
In the activity which was attended by the UNESA Academic Director, Prof. Dr. Fida Rachmadiarti, M.Kes., and her staff, Head of the New Study Program/Faculty Opening Section, Ika Diyah Candra Arifah, S.E., M.Com., explained the system for opening new study programs starting from technical, steps, to closing the study program and other related matters.

Head of the Sub-Directorate for International Affairs, Asrori, S.S., M.Pd., explained the systematic implementation of internationalization of study programs and admission of foreign students. There are several things that are highlighted, namely, the international class opening system, the differences between each program, and the acceptance of foreign students.
Asrori explained, regarding the internationalization of study programs, starting from 2023, UNESA is required to have an International Undergraduate Program< /em> (IUP). The main difference with the regular program lies in the learning process.
Apart from that, there are also scholarship programs offered by UNESA, one of which is the Developing Countries Partnership (KNB). Currently UNESA is one of the KNB hosts apart from 21 other campuses in Indonesia. This year, a total of 6 foreign students were registered to take part in the program.
The Head of the RPL Center, Awang Dharmawan, S.Ikom., M.A., conveyed several things related to RPL. According to him, what needs to be considered is strengthening internal RPL guidelines.
“This program is carried out in collaboration with institutions. Currently UNESA is collaborating with Magetan and the Surabaya City Government. "Regarding the implementation itself, employees who have work experience will choose study programs related to their field," he explained.
Reporter: Erza Angelia Putri
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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