This workshop evaluates various programs and achievements in 2024 while simultaneously preparing program plans for 2025. The leadership invites all levels to continue to improve collaboration, quality of performance, service and achievements.
Unesa.ac .id. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Planning, Development, Cooperation and Information and Communication Technology Division held a Field IV Program Evaluation Workshop and 2025 Program Plan Preparation in Banyuwangi, on Thursday-Saturday, November 31-2 2024.
Deputy Chancellor 4 for Planning, Development, Cooperation and Information and Communication Technology, Martadi said that this activity had two main objectives. First, building strong teamwork and collaboration to achieve the high standard targets set by the Chancellor of UNESA.
Second, observing and evaluating the programs that have been created and then mapped as material preparing new programs for 2025 in a more innovative way to support the priority programs that have been launched by the chancellor.
"The output of this activity is in the form of preparing programs for each directorate which can be used to support the achievement of the UNESA program," said the lecturer whose home base is at the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS).

UNESA Chancellor Cak Hasan gave a number of important directions to increase achievement and achievement, one of which is by prioritizing aspects of collaboration and complementing each other other.
UNESA Chancellor, Nurhasan or familiarly known as Cak Hasan, who was also present at this activity, appreciated and provided a number of important directions to all work units and community members under field 4.
He said, the main key is that staff must focus on their field and be willing to collaborate. Always learn well at other campuses both nationally and internationally, and be able to adapt.
“To become a great university, everything must be by design not by situational ," he stressed.
Cak Hasan emphasized once again that all work units can work together and collaborate to realize UNESA One Step Ahead and prepare superior human resources for 2045.
" "This activity is cool, because apart from being a forum for strengthening friendship and collaboration between directorates and staff under field IV, it is also an opportunity for program evaluation," he said.

The UNESA field 4 squad is ready to bring UNESA towards an internationally reputable PTNBH.
Rector's Expert Staff, Bambang Yulianto adding, the achievements and accomplishments that UNESA has achieved are certainly something to be proud of. However, he is confident that the human resources in field IV, which mostly consist of young people, will continue to be ready to show their best again.
"We know that these young people have extraordinary enthusiasm "normal because we live in the House of Champions," he said.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chancellor 3 for Research, Innovation, Ranking, Publication and Science Center, Bambang Sigit Widodo, who also took part in this activity, said that collaboration between field, of course it is very necessary.
“We need each other. To increase UNESA's ranking, areas of cooperation are also needed. "So, yes, we must continue to collaborate for the progress of UNESA," he stressed.
The field IV workshop activities were attended by 102 participants, consisting of UNESA leaders, expert staff from the rector, directors, sub-directorate heads, section heads and staff. @sir
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