Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Fiersa Besari and Reality Club's performance succeeded in immersing the audience on the peak night of Weekfest 2023 at the Football Field, Surabaya State University (UNESA), Ketintang Campus, on Saturday, December 9 2023.
This activity organized by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNESA is the end of a series of Weekfest 2023.
Previously, Road to Weekfest, a music festival enlivened by a band competition, was held as the first stage. This was followed by the Weekfest Dance Competition which was held on October 28.
Apart from the two top performances, there were also several performances from the dancer community and bands who won the competition.
During the event, The audience was presented with various kinds of stands selling food and drinks.
The chief executive, Irfan Andika Pratama, on his occasion revealed the reason for bringing in leading musicians because he hoped that Weekfest could become a mainstay work program that became the campus icon 'One Step in Front'.

"Hopefully other student organizations are not afraid to take risks for greater results. Every activity is a place to train themselves and improve competence," he said.
Chairman of BEM, Dimas Ardiansyah, stated that this festival was an implementation of the Arts and Sports Sector of BEM FEB. The aim of carrying out this activity is to accommodate students' talents in the arts, especially modern dance and band.
"Last year we held it at the Youth Hall, the focus was on painting and continued with the music concert," he said.< /p>
Deputy Dean I FEB, Dr. H. Moch. Khoirul Anwar, S.Ag., MEI., in his speech said that this moment was an opportunity for his students to practice their ability to work together in managing an activity or organizing.
"We really appreciate your efforts, because dare to make an event this big," he concluded while opening the event.
For your information, Luminous Dance, Melody Aeterna Band, Eureka Band, and Poppin Music Band are the names of the talents who also enlivened the festival which was attended by hundreds of people this.[]
Reporter: Sindy Riska/Fatimah Najmus Shofa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*< /p>
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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