SPIRIT: Accompanied by a nurse, Muhammad Aimanur Razzaq, a UNESA UTBK test participant from Gresik was present with an IV in his hand.
Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—There was a different scene ahead of the afternoon session of the UTBK test at Surabaya State University (UNESA) Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on Sunday, May 5 2024. One of the test takers appeared to be present with a tube and IV bottle in his hand. The participant, known as Muhammad Aimanur Razzaq, was also accompanied by a nurse.
Razzaq, his nickname, a UTBK participant from Gresik, showed his persistence by continuing to undergo tests even though he was suffering from dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). He had BDB since last Wednesday, while he was practicing UTBK preparation questions.
“While practicing the questions, I felt my body starting to get hot, and had to stop practicing because my body felt like it was starting to become unstable. "I was taken to the hospital, after checking in the lab, it turned out I had dengue fever and had to be treated intensively at Semen Gresik Hospital," said Razzaq.
Because of his condition, he was initially confused about whether he should continue participating in UTBK or focus on healing. However, because he didn't want to miss this opportunity, he chose to continue taking the test so that he could be accepted at the campus of his choice, namely ITS (Ten November Institute of Technology) and UB (Brawijaya University).
"From the start I have been preparing for this UTBK by attending tutoring. "Initially I wanted to focus on healing, because the UTBK time was running out, so I forced myself to keep studying," he explained.
Ahead of the UTBK, Razzaq's body temperature was still high, but his enthusiasm for taking the test was no less high. His determination and ideals were too big, so his steps were unstoppable, even with his health conditions making it impossible.
“I want to make people proud. Behind me there is a lot of support from teachers, friends and of course from parents. Is it time to give up? "The hope is that this test can be optimal and can be accepted in the study program of my choice," said the graduate of SMAN 1 Gresik.
The accompanying nurse, Muhammad Fathurrahman, expressed his appreciation for his patient's struggle. He revealed that Rezzaq's condition was still unstable and he still needed an IV drip.
The doctor actually did not advise the patient to do strenuous activities, including traveling from Gresik to Surabaya. Due to Razzaq's own request to take part in the UTBK, the doctor finally allowed him to go with an escort.
"I was assigned to accompany him because I was afraid something would happen to the patient. "Honestly, I applaud his struggle, even though he is sick, he still has to fight for the college entrance test," said Fathurrahman.
It turns out, said Fathurrahman, that his patient often studied in the hospital while fighting his illness. Why do you have to use an infusion? He explained that Rezzaq needed intravenous fluids to meet the patient's electrolyte needs due to increased body metabolism.
Apart from that, so that the patient's body does not become dehydrated. If a fever suddenly appears, he can also immediately give medicine to reduce the fever.
UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., appreciated the participants' struggle to take part in UTBK at UNESA. There were those who struggled coming from the furthest areas and there were those who came with health conditions that made it impossible, such as Rezzaq from Gresik.
Cak Hasan said that every struggle would not be in vain. Whoever struggles seriously, the results he obtains will not betray the process. "There are lots of stories about the struggles of UTBK participants, hopefully the results will be able to bring participants to their respective study programs and campuses," he said.
The Chancellor also said that UNESA through the Faculty of Medicine (FK) provides a special medical team that standby during the UTBK test. The team is prepared to anticipate and provide medical treatment to participants who need it.
“Apart from the medical team, we also have special volunteers from SMCC who are always on standby at each test location. Our team includes lecturers and students. "For example, if someone faints or is unwell, our team is ready to handle it," said Cak Hasan.[]
Reporter: Lina Lubabatul Karimah
Editor: @zam*Photo: Public Relations Directorate team documentation
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