SURABAYA - Since appointed as the Center for Implementation of Computer Based Written Examination (UTBK) in 2019, State University of Surabaya (UNESA) consistently shows the quality of services and the implementation of tests from year to year. Various services continue to be optimized including for participants in the Disability Group.
Kasubdit Admissions and Student Graduation unesa , Sukarmin explained, for UTBK this year, Unesa prepared as many as 1,280 sets of seats and computers for each test session. If multiplied by 20 sessions, the total UTBK seats in Unesa reached 25,600 sets of seats and computers, plus a backup.
There are several reasons why participants must choose the UTBK test at Unesa. First, facilities and infrastructure. UNESA has complete and adequate facilities for the implementation of UTBK, including modern computer laboratories with high specifications that guarantee the smooth running of the exam.
Then, coordinate with PLN and network providers to ensure electricity and the internet are stable and fast. The examination room is equipped with air conditioning, so participants can focus without being disturbed by external factors. A reliable electrical backup system to anticipate blackouts, so that the exam continues without obstacles.
Second, accessibility and location. Unesa has two main locations for UTBK, namely Campus 1 Ketintang and Campus 2 of the Tongue of Wetan, which are both strategic in Surabaya.
The two locations are easily accessible with various modes of transportation, both private vehicles and public transportation such as city buses and online motorcycle taxis. The UNESA campus has a large parking area, making it easier for participants who come by their own vehicles.
Third, friendly disability. UNESA also ensures the smooth testing of the disability participants. The committee prepares a special test room equipped with supporting devices needed by each disability group. In addition, special companions are also prepared from elements of students and lecturers.
fourth, service and support. At UNESA, there is a waiting area for parents or introduction to participants around the exam location. The campus has a canteen and food court that provides food and drinks at affordable prices.
fifth, reputation and experience. UNESA has a long experience in organizing UTBK, so that the implementation system has been tested and efficient. Known as one of the largest UTBK centers in East Java, with thousands of participants every year.
"We apply high standards in the security and order of the exam, ensuring the environment that is conducive to participants," added Sukarmin. so , what are you waiting for! UTBK is only three days, just register at the Unesa Study Program and choose the UTBK test at Unesa. [UNESA Public Relations Team]
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