Explore the Gili Ketapang water tourist attraction, Probolinggo via Meersea Tour.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Five students of the German Literature Bachelor's Study Program (Prodi), Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Surabaya State University (UNESA), have launched an innovative tourism project called Meersea Tour. This project, which is part of the Tourism Management course assignment, was officially launched on Saturday, November 9 2024, in Gili Ketapang, Probolinggo, East Java.
This project was initiated by Anastasia Indah Permatasari, Zella Febi Novita Sari, Suci Oktaviani Putri, Dhara Adinda Brahmanty, and Arga Setyo Pambudi. With a mission to introduce the local potential of Gili Ketapang to the international community, they hope that this project can create a tourist experience that is not only enjoyable but also strengthens cross-cultural relations.
“We chose Gili Ketapang, because of its little-known potential, especially the underwater beauty. Apart from that, we also want to support local MSMEs. "The snorkeling guide we use comes from local people who are certified," said Anastasia.

One of the Meersea Tour participants explored the richness of the seabed on Gili Ketapang, Probolinggo.
This activity was attended by participants from various backgrounds, including students from Binus University, foreign students of the BIPA (Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers) program from Madagascar, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Korea and China, as well as foreign workers from Thailand and Wales.
As part of the cultural experience, international participants were invited to communicate using Indonesian and given gifts in the form of typical Probolinggo snacks, such as mackerel crackers.
Not only does it function as a real lesson in tourism management, < em>Meersea Touris also a cultural bridge that connects participants from various countries. Accompanying lecturers, Raden Roro Dyah Woroharsi Parnaningroem and Meilita Hardika continue to provide guidance so that this project runs smoothly.

The Meersea Tour project participants consist of local and foreign residents.
“We hope that this project can became the beginning of tourism development based on international collaboration. In the future, we are open to collaborating with other parties outside UNESA. "Currently, we are also exploring other tourism potentials in East Java to become our next travel package," added Anastasia.
This project introduces the natural beauty of Gili Ketapang and encourages collaboration with local MSMEs, making it a concrete example of tourism development sustainable. Although currently the team is still focused on completing their thesis, they hope to continue this project in the future to continue exploring East Java's tourism potential.[*]
Reporter: Dewanda Puspita (Internship)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Meersea Tour Team UNESA
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